Emergency Phone Call

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~Reader's Pov ~

"Run faster Dr. Levine!" I yell as run faster and faster.

The backpack on my back was starting to get heavy each minute but I wasn't about to drop it we need out supplies.

Especially if we are getting lost.

The dinosaurs footsteps were still chasing us.

The sweat was dropping off me fast oh how badly I wish I was back home with Ian.

I regret coming here like if we didn't Diego would still be alive.

Actually it was his own fault for being so loud in the 1st place.

But anyways back to reality.

"I'm getting tired already! I should have worked out more!" Levine yells as he runs faster.

"Well it's either keep running or die fast!" I yell as I made a sharp turn around a large tree.

Levine follows me.

I panted and sweated as we could hear the dinosaurs roar loudly, the ground shook with each large thump it made onto mother earth.

I look around as we run and I see the inside of a opening to a tree that was big enough for the both of us to run into while the Dino wouldn't be the right size.

"In there quick!" I yell as I run towards the tree.

Levine was running fast with me.

"You better hope this works!" Levine yells and we both jump into the opening.

I landed with a huge thud.

"Damn that was close!" Levine says as the dinosaur was struggling to find a way in.

I was trying to catch my breath.

" we should be safe for now" I say.

"I hope so" Levine says as he sets his backpack down.

He pulls his water out and slowly starts to drink it.

He hands it to me and I drink fast too.

We look and the dinosaur seems to be giving up for now, I look at Levine in relief.

"We need to phone for help and I mean now" I say ergently fast.

"I will hand you my satellite phone it will work here and on but let's hope it works" Levine says as he pulls out a phone and hands it to me.

I turn it on and quietly start to dial a number.

"Who are you calling for help?" Levine asks me.

"I'm called Ian, he knows his ways of sending help in cases like these" I say as I finish dialing the number.

I hold it up to my ear and hear it ring.

Please pick up! I say in my mind.

Just then the phone was picked up a d Ian's voice was heard.

"Hello?" He asks.

"Ian it's me (Y,N)" I say quietly.

"What were you thinking of doing this for Hammond and not telling me!? You only left me a note! I would have stopped you that,-" before he could finish I stopped him.

"Ian please don't do this now! Me and Dr. Levine need your help!" I yell into the phone.

I look over to Levine and saw that he was keeping a look out for any other dinos that would be in the area.

I was started to sweat more and more each minute.

"What happened?" He asked calmly.

"When we got on Site B our guide was killed by a Dinosaur we are being chased by them, we don't have any links to our boat ride, we are abandoned.." I say to Ian.

Before Ian could say anything the tree  started to shake hard.

I scream and look up to see that the same Dinosaur was back and it was ready to kill.

"Ian please just send help!" I yell into the phone but then it fell out of my grip from another shake.

It fell to the ground and was smashed into a million pieces due to the dinosaurs weight.

"No!" I yell.

I can only hope that Ian helps us.

"Quickly this way!" Levine yells.

I look over and see him run out of the tree and I run after him.

I almost didn't have the strength to run but with a dinosaur that has a thing for killing then yeah you wanna live.

Help me Ian your my only hope

Reference to Starwars lol

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