Plane Ride and Meeting Malcolm

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We were in a helicopter I sat beside my dad and Ellie sat on the other side and Hammond on the other side.

We have been in the helicopter for hours and my legs are killing me I wish we could at least have a bathroom break I needed to stretch.

We stopped by a airport to pick up a couple more people who will be joining us one was a business man and the other man was tall, dark curly hair, tan skin, glasses and wearing all black I don't know why but this guy is really attractive to me and I only just saw him come in.

"Mr. Hammond would it hurt if i took a quick bathroom break?" I asked.

"Go ahead my dear it wont be any trouble it's going to be a long ride there anyways" Hammond said and I nodded and got out and walked towards the airport to find a bathroom.

~5 minutes later~
After I went to the bathroom I washed my hands and walked back out of the airport and ran back to the helicopter.

"Sorry if I took long" I said as I sat down.

"No trouble at all" Hammond said.

The door to the helicopter closed and we took off again I looked over and saw my dad messing with his raptor claw he dug that up when I was pretty young he had it ever since then.

"Do you two did up dinosaurs?" Malcolm asked.

"We try to" dad said.

"And you what do you do?" He asks.

"I dig up dinosaurs just like my dad" I pointed to dad.

"Ah I see" malcolm says.

"You have to get used to doctor Malcolm he suffers from a deplorable excess of personality, especially for a mathematician" Hammond says.

" chaotician, chaotician actually " Malcolm corrected.

"Have any of you heard of chaos theory?" Malcolm asked.

"No" Ellie says.

"No nothing I'm your equations?" Malcolm asks.

"I bring scientists you bring the rockstar" hammond says.

Just then Hammond looks off to the side and says "there it is" and we all look out the same window and flew towards a very beautiful looking island.

Ian Malcolm x Dr. Grant's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now