I'm back!!!

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Hello everyone its me Ashley or Ash your friendly author here with some breaking news.

The reason I've haven't been updating was because I ended up getting very ill so I had to take a break.

Can't think well when your sick you know what I mean lol.

But I'm back and ready to update stories for all your wondering eyes to read with.

But here is some more news that some of you probably won't be interested with.

Starting now I'm staring a Christmas special on my request book for one-shots.

The first 5 people who comment down in that book get a shout out and a request.

And let's hope I'm not being too lame.

I just hope ya'll stay healthy and warm this holiday season.

Make sure to keep an eye out for updates.

Thank you all for who ever decided to take the time to read this chapter.

Hope you all have a lovely day.

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