Levine you fucking Idiot!

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Your Pov

We ran and ran through the dense jungle and what seemed like forever.

We were both sweating hard and losing air because of the humid climate.

"Did we lose him?!" Levine asks and I turn around and saw that the dinosaur was gone.

"For now.." I said as I caught my breath.

This day is going by fucking great, come to an island and get attacked by dinosaurs, they eat your guide and smash your bag for of supplies and almost end up eating you.

I collapsed on the side of a tree a breathed in and out.

"This is definitely a great day isn't is Levine?" I ask annoyed.

He looked over at me.

"Yeah it's such a great day that I wanna jump into a puddle of piss" Levine says sarcastically.

I tried not to laugh at that remark.

"What do we do now?" I ask.

Levine sighed deeply.

"Well we could go back and see if their is anything left of our bags or go forward and try to find a safe place to camp" Levine says.

"I pick option 2, I don't wanna risk being eaten by a dinosaur again" I said as wiped another thing of sweat off my face.

Levine nods and we both stay close just in case something happens.

"Next time I'm offered a trip it better be to Disneyland " Levine says in a joking matter.

"Yeah no kidding" I said.

As we walked were kept listening for either a river or any animal noise that happened to be nearby.

We were both on high alert the whole time.

I walked into something wet and looked down and almost gagged.

"Fucking gross" I muttered.

I stepped right into a pile of shit.

And it was a big pile too!

Levine looked down and gagged when he saw what happened.

"It really does suck to be you today " he says and tries not to laugh.

I look at him annoyed and try to shake it off my leg.

Levine started to walk off but stopped and looked at the ground.

"Ah ha bingo!" He says.

I tensed because he yelled anything within miles could have heard us!

"What?" I ask and walk over to what he was looking at.

As I got closer I could smell something disgusting.

I almost had to hold my breath.

"What the hell is that smell?" I ask Levine.

I got behind Levine and saw that he was looking at Dino Piss.

"Really?" I ask annoyed.

"What? I said I would jump into a puddle of piss and here it is" Levine states.

"But I thought you meant it as a figure of speech and not literally " I said in a fast tone.

"Plus won't that attract more Dinosaurs?" I ask.

Levine thinks for a second.

"You may be right but I'm taking my chance with the Dino piss" Levine says as he jumps into it.

I gagged as he covered himself in it.

"It's called camouflaging " Levine states as he gets close to me.

"Yeah and you can just stand your ground away from me" I state and back away just so that way I don't have to smell that strong smell of piss.

"I'm gonna camouflage with nature instead of using Dino piss" I said as I start walking off.

I was lost in thought for a while.

"Someone just shoot me before I murder someone " I say to myself.

Can this day get any worse?

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