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Your Pov

Running through the jungle with Levine wasn't easy, he was very noisy after all lol.

But anyways it did all the sudden get really quiet.

Not even the birds were chirping.

"Something is probably drawing near us" Levine says as a warning.

"We should have stayed in the tree it was safer "Levine days annoyed.

"If we stayed in the tree no one would find us expect the Velociraptor or even worse a T Rex" I said quickly back at him.

Levine didn't wanna argue so he shut his mouth.

"What time is it?" He asks as he looks up at the sky.

I look down at my watch, at least that didn't get destroyed unlike my satellite phone.

"It's almost nighttime let's just say that" I give him a bullshit answer.

He rolls his eyes.

We kept walking and walking.

"We need to find somewhere to hide" Levine says as he wipes the layer of sweat off his forehead.

"We will soon we gotta make some ground during the day though Levine, it's the only way to put our lives out of being eaten by some dinosaur" I say to him.

He is acting like a child when he should be an adult studying the life here.

Now he is just a drama queen.

"Listen I-" before he could talk I instantly made the be quiet quickly movement with my left hand.

He shut up almost immediately.

"Did you hear that?" I asked quietly.

"Hear what?" Levine asks.

"Yelling but its not a dinosaur it sounds like a person" I whispered.

We listened again and the yelling continued.

It sounds like...

"Ian!!!!" I yell back and start making my way of the direction I could hear it.

I could hear my name and Levine's name being called in the distance.

It had to be Ian it had to be!

Levine heard it too and ran after me.

I kept yelling for Ian and his voice got closer.

I was out of breath when I finally found him and his voice.

He looked at me with wide eyes and gave his gun to one of his men and walked kinda fast over to me.

I ran up to him but I tripped over a big tree root like the clumsy person I was.

That's gonna hurt in the morning.

Ian helped me up and we instantly embraced each other.

I was crying in the process.

I knew he would come I knew he would!

Ian Malcolm x Dr. Grant's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now