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Maddison walked into the great hall for the very first time in her first year. Amazed by the view of it all. The ceiling enchanted as if they were outside on a dark summers night, star gazing. Candles floating in the midst, making it all the more mesmerising. 

"wicked" she smiled, looking upwards to take in the full view

Maddison glanced up once more and seen coloured flags hanging above each table. Percy had explained to her that they were the colour of each house. green for Slytherin, crimson  for Gryffindor, yellow for Hufflepuff and blue for Ravenclaw. Each having their own personalities, Slytherin mainly known for being ambitious and cunning, although they were stereotyped as evil. Gryffindor mainly labelled as brave and courageous. Hufflepuff known for their patience and dedication. Ravenclaw known for their wisdom and cleverness. 

Maddison knew she'd be sorted into Gryffindor, every Weasley was and she were right, after being sorted the feast began, after Dumbledore's long, boring speech which the her, Fred and George, who were her best friends as well as her older brothers, spent messing around, much to Percy's disapproval. 

Maddison quickly stopped fooling when she seen a certain Hufflepuff in her brothers year laughing at what they were doing, she smiled at him before returning to her brothers. 

"Honestly, you three need to start behaving, could damage my reputation. I'm trying to make prefect in two years and eventually head boy and I will not have you three ruining my chances" Percy chimed in 

"Oh Perc, shut it would you?" Charlie rolled his eyes from a few children down on the table, "I'm leaving after this year for Romania and you bugging the twins and Maddi about what to do will piss me off. Just enjoy your years whilst your here"

"Just behave, I'm not seeing you three getting a howler because you can't go five minutes without pulling a practical joke on somebody" with that, the three of them looked at each other, clearly talking to each other without actually talking. Once again, Percy chimed in, seeing the devious looks on their faces. "No, no. At least try and behave today on your first day"

"Sure, Perc, we'll behave on my first  day" Maddison smirked, much to her brothers disproval

"We didn't agree to th-" Fred and George began but refrained from finishing after seeing the smirk on Maddi's face 

The extravagant feast came to an end and all of the students headed back to their dorms ready for their day tomorrow.

"Madds, wake the hell up" Courtney, her new dorm mate was violently shaking her. She had seemed to form quite a good bond with Maddison in just one night after talking for hours after the feast.

"Gin, go away, I told you to just hit Ron if he annoys you" she rolled back over and ignored the shaking 

"its Courteny, now wake up and get dressed before we're late for breakfast. I'm warning you, do NOT come between me and my food" she continued to violently shake Maddison and yell at her until she agreed to get out of bed and get ready 

"you're starting to sound like my brother" her grumpy voice called from the bathroom. 

"g-g-good a-after-n-noon, cl-lass" professor Quirrell  stuttered from the front of the class "I-I- will be placing you in a-a s-seating chart" he announced whilst holding a piece of parchment up. Feed and George could see a few names through the back of the paper, none that they could fully make out, only a few letters. Still however, having no luck seeing their names "o-on the idea of s-seeing new p-people, you will not be sitting  with people of the same house as you"

With a few groans of disappointment of students not being able to sit with their new friends, Quirrell began to read out names, pointing towards the seats they will be sat in

He had gotten half way through the list and was at the front of the second isle of desks on the right side of the room. "W-Weasley, F" he motioned towards Fred, then pointing towards  the chair, with a quick look between the two of them, George piped up

"He's not Fred, I am"

"Honestly, Professor, you call yourself our teacher" Fred shook his head 

"0-0h, t-terribly sorry" he motioned towards George "Weasley, F" as Fred took a step forward, walking over towards the chair "I-I t-thought you weren't Fred?"

their plan had worked and the two of them had huge grins in their face. "where ever did you get that from?" George puzzled as Fred sat down

the whole class burst into laughter as Quirrell stood with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"y-yes well, m-moving on" he motioned towards a few other students sitting them down until he got to near the back of the class, two rows from the back "W-Weasley, G" he motioned to a seat and George who picked his bag up off of the floor and walked toward his seat as the professor pointed to the one next to him "D-Diggory, C" he turned to see who would be sitting next to him for the year and seen nobody but the boy who smiled at Maddison last night on the table.

His fluffy brown hair which was smoothed upwards and dazzling smile, his deep grey eyes walked over to her and sat down "hi, I'm Cedric Diggory" he beamed, holding his hand out to shake his 

"I'm George Weasley, nice to meet you" 

and the rest was history, after introducing him to his twin and little sister, they had became inseparable. Cedric and Maddison had formed a closer bond then the twins did with him, despite them all being close

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