letters, lies and lasts

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"Maddi-" his voice was broken and shaky 

"you've been flirting with me and kissing me and admitting your feelings for me and you're still talking to the girl who destroyed your confidence and kept you away from your friends, you're a fucking cunt, you know that?" tears now began to roll down her cheeks, she got herself off of the table and went to walk away but he grabbed her wrist and turned her round

"Madds, please, just talk to me. Nothing is going on between us, she wanted to start things up again so I explained to her that it was never going to happen, Maddi, you have to believe me, please" tears swelled in his eyes, threatening to take over his face

"get off of me, Cedric" she looked up at him, tears streaming down her face 

"Maddi, I'm not letting you go until you agree to listen to me and let me explain myself" the tears once threatening his eyes finally broke through the invisible barriers and rolled down his face

"what the fuck are you going to explain? You told me, days ago that you don't speak to Cho anymore, you obviously lied because there's more letters" she snatched her hand from Cedrics grasp and went to walk towards the stairs 

"Maddi, I can show you the letters, please just give me some time, read the letters, please" this immediately caught her attention, causing her to turn around and look at him

"I don't think I can read them, Cedric, I really don't think I can sit there and read the letters she's sent you, not knowing  what you've said back to her, having no way of knowing what you said to her, for all I know you could be saying shit back to her" she went to walk up the stairs once more, but that was the last thing he wanted, he wanted her to believe the truth

"I'll get her to send my letters back, I will. I'll write to her right now and ask for her to send them back to me" he looked at her, longingly, she was the only person he'd ever felt this strong about, his life didn't exist without her. she was his everything 

"do what you want, I'm going to bed" with that, she walked up the stairs, trying her hardest to stop herself crying 

"goodnight, Madds" she didn't respond, she didn't even look back at him, she just walked up. He made his way up to the twins room and opened the letter Cho had recently sent him

Dear Ceddy,  

                         I miss you, I miss how last year we'd sneak to the astronomy tower late at night and how we'd dance in the moonlight to old songs. 

I still love you and I'm sorry for everything I said and everything I done, keeping you from the twins

he stopped reading for a minute out of frustration, why was he only sorry about keeping him away from the twins and not Maddi? 

I know you've said no, but we were amazing together, Ced, you made me feel so good about myself and I realise that I done the opposite to you and I'm sorry about that but I can make you feel so much better then Maddison can,  I swear. Come on, Cedric, please just give me one more chance, we both know you miss me

yours, Cho xoxo 

"everything alright there mate?" George groaned from his bed

"hm? yeah, yeah, everything is good, I'm good" he lied whilst wiping the tears from his eyes, he sat with his back against the wall and his keeps up, he threw his head back against the wall, taking a deep breath in 

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