'No! It's not!'

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It was only Arthur and Cedric left in Dumbledores office now, Cedric was confused on how to feel, he never knew what he was going to say to him, was he secretly pissed about him and Maddi? Was he gonna kill him? Anything and everything crossed his mind 

Arthur walked up to him and pulled him into a hug "you don't have to put up a front for me, Cedric" he whispered "I know you're hurting" he rubbed his back for comfort "I know" he whispered

Without even knowing he was going to do so, Cedric broke down "I don't know what I've done, sir" he cried "I- I just-" 

Arthur hugged him again "You don't need to worry, you stay with us now and he won't be able to get to you, just like he hasn't the past few years" he nodded 

Cedric pulled away "I can't" he snuffled "he's not letting me stay with you anymore" he sniffled "He got me again, I'm scared" 

Molly walked over "Maddison forgot her jacket, so I came back in to get it" she whispered "You will be staying with us, Cedric, you're staying with us" she commented "I don't care, he can go through me" she shook her head "you're staying" she repeated herself

Cedric smiled "thank you" he hugged her "I really do appreciate everything you do for me" he kissed her forehead 

Molly smiled "Well, of course, but why won't Amos let you stay?" she questioned "And what happened to your wrist?" she picked up his hand 

Cedrics mouth hung open "I- uh-" he stuttered

Molly knitted her eyebrows together "Arthur" she looked at her husband "Why is his wrist red?" she asked him "Did you hurt Cedric?!" she shouted

Arthur looked at his wife and then at Cedric, it wasn't his secret, he knew Cedric felt uncomfortable telling people, he wasn't sure what to do, his wife was getting closer to him, meaning he was getting closer to death

"It wasn't him!" Cedric shouted 

"Then who was it?" she questioned 

Arthur found himself stuck again "It was my dad!" Cedric whispered, making Molly snap her whole body around. He knew he shouldn't have because now he was going to be an accessory to murder "But-"

Molly cut him off "But nothing" she walked towards him "Has this happened before?" she looked him dead in the eyes

Cedric backed up towards the wall, feeling threatened by Molly "I uh-" 

Then, of course, Maddi walked in "MUM!" she shouted, walking in front of Cedric "Why are you threatening him?!" she shouted again "he hasn't done anything" 

Molly looked at her daughter "Oh, no, dear!" she smiled "I'm not mad at Cedric, I'm mad at his father!" she motioned towards the door

Maddi looked at Cedric, then at her dad, then at her mum "You know?" she questioned

Molly looked at her daughter with the look every mum has 'Bitch, you better run' "You know?!" she questioned "And exactly how long have you known for?!" she puzzled 

Cedric stood in front of Maddi "My cousin told her this morning, I asked her not to tell anyone" he protected her "She didn't say anything because I asked her not to, it's not her fault, please don't be mad at her, its all on me"

Molly looked at Cedric "How could any body hurt a boy so sweet" she hugged him again "He won't be getting away with this, Cedric" she shook her head 

Cedric shook his head "Molly, please" he begged "I'm okay" he smiled "Just, I'm begging you, don't mention anything" he looked at her with desperation in his eyes 

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