Confession Time

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A/N: hiya, its me, fkn hope it is anyway... be weird if it was anyone else tbh, anyway, this chapter does involve sensitive subjects such as substance abuse, self harm, child abuse. If any of these could trigger you, please skip this chapter and message me about anything you need, I'll happily fill you  in on anything you missed <3

As the two walked into Madam Pomfreys room, Harry and Cedric took in a deep breath, not wanting to go to this, they never needed fucking check ups, THEY NEEDED FUCKING THERAPY!!!! 

"Come in, boys, come in" she ushered them in with a smile "Oh, Mr Diggory, have you hurt your leg?" she smiled whilst noticing his limp "You too, Mr Potter?" she questioned, her tone now a little more confused as she noticed both boys limping "Did you two hurt yourselves?" she smiled 

Harry smirked, looking at the floor as Cedric spoke "No, uh- two completely different injuries, nothing related, don't even think any of it relates" he laughed, looking at Harry "It doesn't.. does it?" he questioned now, if Fred ever tried anything on him the poor kid would die, poor Harrys only small and Freds about a foot and a half taller then him 

Harry looked up at Cedric "If they are.. I think Maddi needs a lesson on how thing wo-" 

Cedric threw his hand over Harrys mouth "Madam Pomfrey" he smiled "I need to have a little talk with Harry, mind if we step out for a moment?" he smiled again, to which Pomfrey smiled and nodded. Cedric grabbed Harrys arm and walked him back out into the corridor "You don't usher a word of this... to anyone, okay?" he gritted his teeth

Harry began laughing "About what, Ced? Madds pegging you?" he smirked "Always had the idea you were a bottom" he teased

Cedric looked Harry dead in the eyes "Say that again, Potter" he laughed "Fucking dare you" he chuckled in a joking way "just cause last year you wanted me to top you" he smiled, he tried to keep a straight face but failed, both he and Harry started laughing "Too far?"  he laughed

Harry couldn't stop laughing "nah" he shook his head "Just don't be acting like you never wanted to top me" he winked "Now, I have places to be, so, how about we go in, yeah?" he smirked

Cedric nodded his head "yeah, sure" he smiled, walking back in

The check up started with both of the boys chests being checked and ended with them both on more anxiety potions "I really don't need this, I promise" Harry defended "I'm fine" he argued again 

Cedric narrowed his eyes at Harry before realising what he was thinking, he moved to whisper in his ear "Haz, don't worry, you can drink when you're on this" he chuckled 

Harry looked up, unsure on how to react, they'd never been given the potion before and obviously he couldn't ask if they could drink, how did he know? "okay, good" he smiled back, his tone curious 

Madam Pomfrey turned back around from her cupboard to address the boys "Right, you're free to go, boys" she smiled, handing them the glass bottles filled with the glistening potion 

"Thank you" Cedric smiled, standing from the bed the two boys were sat on, waiting for the shorter boy to follow him "Lets go" he smiled as he stood 

"Sure, see you next time" Harry waved as they walked out "How did you know you could drink with this?" he held up the bottle, looking at Cedric 

"Taken them a few times before, thats all" Cedric lightly smiled back 

"We've never been given this dosage, its for serious issues" he looked up at the older boy once again "Cedric, if you've been having problems with taking these then-"  

Cedric cut Harry off "Listen, it's not that simple" he took a deep breath "Things went down with me and my dad last time I stayed there, thats al" he shrugged

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