The 'Truth'

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Maddi pushed herself out of the group hug and ran over to Cedric "I can't believe he done that" she whispered to Sirius 

Cedric opened his eyes, looking at Maddi "I told Harry what I told Harry" he smiled "I'm sorry" he quickly apologised to Sirius when he realised he was still making contact with him 

Both of them stood up "No" Sirius smiled, shaking his head "Nothing to be sorry about, Badger" he smiled "Remmy" he turned to his boyfriend "I like this one" he smiled 

Remus hugged him "I know" he kissed the long haired mans forehead forehead 

Maddi hugged Cedric before she pulled away and repeatedly smacked his chest "NEVER" she hit him "FUCKING" another hit "DO" another hard smack to his chest "THAT" yet again, another hit "AGAIN!" she shouted

Cedric pulled her into a  hug "Okay, ow" he chuckled, kissing her forehead "Just calm down" he held her 

"NO YOU COULD'VE FUCKING DIED!" she screamed at him, still trying to hit and kick him 

"Maddi, I'm okay" he held her tighter and tighter "Please stop attacking me" he smiled 

Sirius walked over to Cedric and Maddi who was still attacking him "Maddison" he whispered "He saved me" he whispered "You have to remember that" 

Maddi continued to kick and punch him "YEAH BUT HE COULD'VE FUCKING DIED!" she began to sob into his shoulder "You could've died, Ced" she cried  

Cedric hugged her tighter "I know, Princess" he kissed the top of her head "And I'm sorry, but I had to do it" 

Harry ran up to Cedric, joining in on the hug "Thank you" he smiled "You saved my dad" he whispered

Sirius' eyes filled with tears as he looked at Remus "Did he uh?-" his voice caught in his throat "Did he just call me dad?" he sobbed 

Remus held his boyfriends hand "Y-Yeah" he cried "he did, Pads" he hugged him "He did" 

Bellatrix ran out of the room "I'll kill Sirius Black" she sang as she ran "I'll kill Sirius Black"

Before anybody could stop him, Harry ran after her "Harry, NO!" Remus shouted after him 

Sirius caught his arm and pulled Harry back "YOU LISTEN TO YOUR FATHER!" he shouted at him 

Harry pulled his arm "NO!" he shouted, and ran after her again.

The kids didn't get the chance to know exactly what happened after he left... just that Harry came back covered in sand and blood. He mentioned The Dark Lord, but didn't want to go into detail, which the others were more then okay with.


"Harry" Fred hugged him "I said I'm sorry" he tried to kiss him, but Harry moved away 


Whilst this was going on, everyone, but Maddi and Cedric, were paying attention. They were covered in a blanket on Cedrics bed, both too busy cleaning each others tonsils to know what was going on "Fuck I love you" he smiled as she moved her hand over the bulge in his school pants 

Maddi smiled "Remember you played that game with me?" she smirked as she unbuttoned his pants "Know when I had to be quite?" she smiled again 

Cedric held in a groan as he felt her hands on him "Baby, please don't make me be quiet" he whispered "It won't work" he kissed her again 

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