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"No" Maddi chuckled, sitting down on the bed

"I guess you heard me wrong" he fake chuckled, pushing himself off of the door with his foot and slowly walking towards her "I said, 'strip'" He was now standing right in front of her

"Make me" She smiled, knowing exactly what was about to happen

"Oh, you're going to regret that, princess" He chuckled back, crouching down to her height on the bed. He slowly kissed her before moving his hand to the back of her neck, deepening the kiss. He grazed his tongue over her bottom lip. She slightly opened her mouth, allowing his access. He lapped his tongue over hers.

She let out a soft moan into her mouth, making his smile grow on his face. He moved so she was lying down on her back, he began moving his hand up and down her thigh once more, just like he had been downstairs. Pulling away he looked at her "Can I?" He smiled, Maddi eagerly nodded her head, pulling him back down to kiss him again. He slowly pulled her shorts down, rubbing her clit through her lacey underwear, she gently bit his lip, making him move the fabric to the side, rubbing her bare clit faster then before.

He slowly made his way down to her entrance, pushing his fingers into her, making another moan escape her lips, into his mouth, only encouraging him more, making him go faster. She arched her back, bucking her hips into him, to which he pushed them down "no, no, Princess" He began curling the tips of his fingers inside of her, hitting exactly what she needed him to.

She quietly moaned from the back of her throat, rolling her eyes in pleasure, only making him go even faster "Fuck, Cedric, I'm close" she threw her head back onto the bed, tightening his walls around his fingers. Seeing how close she was he removed his fingers and stood up, looking at her with a smile oh his face. She propped herself up on her elbows and looked at him, she was pissed off. "Cedric, what the fuck?!" 

He brought his fingers to his mouth and smiled again "You said 'make me' so I did" he chuckled before dropping the smile and going serious "Now strip" he smiled once more

"You're a dick" she smiled, slowly unbuttoning his shirt from her body, teasing him. She undone the last button, but didn't remove his shirt, instead she just sat there, looking at him, she could see the bulge in his sweat pants grow "You want the rest off, you take it off" she sweetly smiled at him

He walked back over to her and and looked into her eyes "Thought so" he lowered himself down to kiss her once more, to which she responded eagerly. He pushed her back onto the bed once more, moving himself against her. She swung her arms around his neck and locked her legs around his hips. He moved his lips down to her neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses down her body. 

She could feel the bulge in his joggers grow bigger, she moaned into him, slightly pulling at his his hair "Fuck, daddy" she quietly moaned, not wanting him to fully hear  her, she didn't know how he'd react

He stopped kissing her body and lifted his head up, instantly connecting his lips to hers, not hesitating to moan into her. He flipped them over, pulling her on top of him, he had his hands firmly on her waist, moving her against her. He moaned into her mouth, making her kiss him  deeper. She pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it on the floor, kissing down his chest, stopping at his v-line and pulling his joggers down, releasing his erection, which slapped his stomach. She put the tip in her mouth, paying extra attention with her tongue

He brought his hand to her hair, gently pushing down, making her gladly take as much as she could in her mouth. She felt him buck his hips up, he wasn't edging her and getting away with it, not a chance. She began moving her tongue up and down the vein that ran down his dick, making him buck his hips up even more , she pushed them down and looked up, making eye contact with him and winking before shutting her eyes once more. Bobbing her head up and down, she could feel him hitting the back of her throat, still with him gently pushing her head down, she used her hand to pleasure the part of him her mouth couldn't. 

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