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Cedrics breath stopped "uhm, what do you mean, love?" he smiled

Maddi took a tighter grip on his hand "Ced" she looked at him "I know about your dads done" she nodded "Harriet told me, she thought I knew" she looked at him again

Cedric stuttered for a moment "I should've told you, I know and I feel bad and I understand that you're mad at me and-" 

Before Cedric could even finish his sentence Maddi stopped him "Ced, I'm not mad at you, I could never be mad at you for this, it's not you're fault, I understand that you never told me" she kissed his forehead "You don't have to talk about it, but if you want to, you can" she whispered to him

Cedric started to shake and his breathing went short "uh, well, what exactly do you know?" he looked at her, keeping hold of his hand

Maddi put her other hand on top of his "It doesn't matter what I know" she shook her head "Just tell me whatever you want to and that's okay" 

Cedric closed his eyes and took a deep breath "Well, it started when I was six" he looked at her "It was the first birthday without my mum, I'd asked for one present, tickets to go see  a Quidditch match" he tried to hold back the tears when he was speaking "I woke up and he'd gotten me them, I was so, so happy" he thought back, smiling to the memory "We were having such a good morning, I ran to him, and I hugged him, thanking him, then I asked if mums coming home today, I must've hit a nerve or something because he just struck me" he shrugged

"Cedric" Maddi whispered. She knew no matter what he told her it'd be painful to hear, but it was worse then she thought, he was only six and wanted his mum, thats normal "Any other times you wanna talk about?" she rest her head on his shoulder 

Cedric nodded "Y-yeah" his voice broke "A few if thats okay?" he smiled at her 

Maddi nodded "Of course" she smiled at him "Anything" 

Cedric sniffled "It'd pretty much happened every day after that, but when I went home for summer instead of going to Egypt, he was angry about the match, we argued, badly, worse then we ever had" he thought back "I stormed upstairs and went to get changed so I could go to Harriets for a while, to let us both cool down" he nodded "He uhm, he came upstairs to continue the argument and seen my arms, he just got me, right across the face, telling me how stupid and pathetic I was and how much of an attention seeker I was being" he couldn't hold the tears back anymore

Maddi pulled him into a hug, placing his head on her shoulder "Ssshhh, baby, it's okay" she whispered "I've got you" she nursed him "I've got you" she whispered again 

Cedric sniffed up again "And then when uh- when they made me go see him after the tournament" he was shaking worse then before "Um, he told me how much of a bad person I was because I let Harry get hurt and I never protected him enough" he wiped a tear away from his eye

Maddi turned Cedrics head to make him look at her "But that is completely not true, you know that" she smiled at him, her hand still cupping his jaw 

Cedric shook his head "No, it's not" he shook his head "If I'd have done something or acted quicker he wouldn't be back, Harry wouldn't have had the extra trauma and everything would be different" he shrugged

Maddi felt herself about to cry but held back as much as she could "Cedric, no, if you'd have done anything different you might not be here" she kissed him "And that's worse then anything, ever" she combed her fingers through his hair "Or maybe Harry wouldn't be" she looked at him again "what you done that night was perfect and there is nothing else you could've done without someone not coming back" she whispered to him

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