The Nightmares

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It was half one in the morning, Maddi and Cedric had been asleep for just under an hour, he began to have a nightmare, tossing and rolling in his sleep 

Cedric walked away from the portkey, he seen a man walk out of a gate and headed towards the archway. He heard Harry yell 'Cedric! get back to the cup!' 

The cauldron  in the middle of the grass space was lit underneath

'Who are you? what do you want?' Cedrics nerves were gone, he didn't know what to do, he knew he needed to protect Harry. 

He wouldn't leave him, he looked over at the younger boy, he was curled over in pain, he looked back over to the man walking through the arch way once more. He was holding something, it looked like a baby, until he heard him speak

'kill the spare!' he heard whatever was in the mans arms scream

before he could cast the curse he ducked behind the cauldron 'Avada Kedavra'  he was too late, Cedric had already hidden 

'Cedric, get behind the grave' Harry spoke to him, before he had another second to speak the man he now recognised as Peter Pettigrew had locked Harry into a metal grim reaper axe above a head stone that read 'Tom Riddle' 

Cedric ran behind the grave the raven haired boy was pinned against, he could hear some potion being made

'flesh of servant, willing given' followed by a scream, he looked through a small gap in the statue to now see the crazy bastard had cut his own hand off  'blood of the enemy, forcefully taken' he then heard a piercing scream from Harry, he couldn't hear the rest of the rest of what he was saying, something about bones and a father

He looked forward, thinking of what to do for a moment before he heard Harry mutter his name 'Cedric!' he turned back 

'Harry, okay, I thought of a plan'-' before he could finish Harry spoke once more 

'no, Cedric, you need to get back to the cup, alert Dumbledore, get yourself safe' 

'no, Harry, I'm not leaving you' 

'Cedric, go'

he suddenly noticed more people had arrived , such as Malfoys father, Crabbe and Goyles fathers and a few other people he didn't realise 

'Wormtail, find the boy' Voldemort. Cedric knew he had to get them out of there, now.

Without hesitation, Cedric ran in front of Harry, 'expelliarmus!' 

he yelled, causing all of the death eaters wands, including Voldemort's to go flying out of their hand. Cedric ran to Harry, releasing him from the grasp of the statue, picking his wand up and running to the port key, but being stopped by a curse 

'CRUCIO!' Peter yelled, getting Cedric and Harry, he then realised he'd left a death eater with his wand, the two boys fell to the floor, screaming in pain

They threw more spells at them, causing them both permanent scars. Voldemort stood up and collected his want 'AVADA KEDAVRA!' at the same time the two boys yelled 'expelliarmus' 

flashing lines of green and red flying everywhere, connecting the three wants. 'HARRY!' Cedric screamed so he could be heard over the loud screams and laughter of the death eaters 'If I don't make it-' Harry cut him off 'Cedric, DON'T TALK LIKE THAT!' 'if I don't make it, take my body back to my father' suddenly, a form of force field appeared around them. Out of nowhere a random man and Harrys parents had shown up, talking about how they could fend him off for a little while when the two boys got back to the cup 'let go, you're ready' his mother spoke 'let go' with that, the two boys looked at each other and each gave a nod, moving their wands back, heading towards the cup, latching onto it with dear life

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