Heart To Heart

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"wait... what did you just say?" Freds eyes widened after hearing Cedric admit that he loved Maddi. George and himself had teased him about having a crush on her, they never knew that he was genuinely feeling that deep about her.

"I said I love her" he shot another glance towards the stairs, crystal tears forming in his eyes, threatening to role down his cheeks. he blinked them away, not wanting everyone to see him cry. "I have to go speak to her." he felt another grip form on his wrist, this time it wasn't Bill, the grip was delicate, a dainty hand was now replaced were Bills rough one had been. Turning around, he met eyes with Ginny

"you stay here, calm yourself down, I'll go up first, give you both a chance to relax a bit, yeah?" Cedric nodded, not wanting to speak as he knew he couldn't hold back the tears that were threatening to break through his eyes.

they all heard Ginny run up the stairs and knock on Maddis room

"Maddi? can I come in?" she gently ratted on the door one more time

"I wanna be alone right now, Gin"

Cedric could hear the pain in her voice from two floors down

"tough shit" there was silence for a moment until they heard Ginny once more "alohomora" a click of the lock was heard and the shortly after the door shut with a soft noise and Ginny had clearly cast the silencing spell



Cedric didn't know if Maddison was screaming or crying or both, it was killing him

it had been about five minutes, although, to Cedric it had felt like an eternity. time always seemed to go slower when she wasn't around. it was as if his life didn't exist unless she was there.

like She was the sun and he a planet that needed her for survival

"Luna, do you think we should go up?" Hermione gave a look to Luna that only girls understand, causing the boys to all knit their eye brows in confusion

"of course" her soft voice rippling off of the walls

with that, the two vanished up the staircases as if they had entered a black. hole. After about half an hour three of the girls walked back down stairs, however, Maddi was not one of them

"did she tell you what happened? what made her so upset?" Cedric had basically rushed to his feet and ran towards them before they even stepped foot on the floor

"I'm gonna go talk to her" he nodded his head whilst turning towards the boys who gave him thumbs up as if to wish him luck, as he walked up the stairs, it dawned on him...

what the fuck was he going to say to her?

he didn't even know why she was upset. for all he knew, he was the reason. Cedric quickly shook the thought out of his head, he hated her being in such a state, never mind him being the reason

he reached her door, he noticed the pictures that had been stuck onto it. before knocking he took a moment to look at them, there were six. 

she'd placed them in a line going down in order they were taken

the top one was from her first year; it was her, the twins and Cedric, she was on Cedrics back, they were laughing, it was just after they got back from Christmas break. Their faces were rosy from the cold whether. Cedric was spinning her around in circles, making her laugh grow louder.

looking at the second one, the twins weren't in this one, well, not the main focus of it, they were in the background throwing professor Flitwick up and down. The main focus of the picture was himself and Maddi, he had his arm around her shoulder and was pulling her into a tight hug from the side. he remembered this as it were yesterday, Gryffindor had just won the house cup thanks to Harry, Ron and Hermione....oh, and Neville, although Cedric was convinced Dumbledore only gave Neville points so they could win, that was Harrys first  year.

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