The Note

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The others ran to the window, Maddi had tears down her face, leaning on Cedrics chest. He had his hands on her back, trying to comfort her "Hey, It's okay" he reassured her "it'll be okay"

Then they heard a man scream, "CHARLIE?!" Maddi and Ginny shouted in unison, seconds later, the long haired man was seen, flying in the air on a purple dragon 

"WILLIAM!" Charlie shouted at Bill

"Whys he full naming me?" Bill shook his head "Why is that needed?" he asked, rolling his eyes 

"GET ON, BITCH!" he shouted, laughing 

"Oh, for fuck sake" Bill rolled his eyes, climbing on the window frame "IF I MISS I'LL MURDER YOU!" he shouted before jumping out, aiming for the large purple dragon his brother was flying on "bastardddddddddddddddddddd" he shouted whilst falling before landing on the tail of the dragon, slowly easing himself behind his brother

The kids seen them both fighting to get at the front as they rode away "Those fucking cunts" Fred rolled his eyes 

Maddi was still hugged into Cedrics chest, the tears still in her eyes "Hey, baby, it's okay, they're okay" he smiled, kissing the top of her head, still stroking her back "They're safe," he smiled

Maddi clung back onto his chest, trying to hide her face until the tears went "Thank you" she smiled into his chest 

"I've got you" he whispered "It's okay" he reassured her "Okay, count to ten, slowly, I'll do it with you" he whispered to her 

"One" they started together "See, you're doing great" he smiled, taking her over to the chair in the corner, sitting her on his knee "Two" he smiled with her, stroking her hand, seeing her breathing ease "Three" they whispered together, Maddis smiled slightly coming back "Four" they nodded "See, it's getting better" he smirked "Five" he smiled, his voice goofy "S-six" Maddi stuttered "See, almost there" "Seven" they nodded together again "Eight" he tickled her sides, making her laugh "Nine" he nodded, kissing her cheek "Ten" they ended 

"See?" Cedric smiled at her, tracing his thumb on her hand "Told you you could do it, I'm proud of you, well-done" he kissed her forehead 

"Thank you" she smiled "I'm sorry" she rest her head against his chest 

"hey, no" he smiled, holding onto her "You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for" he kissed her again 

"OI!" Fred shouted "McGonagall, babes, you want a puff?" he smiled and winked at the very angry Scottish woman 

"Mr Weasley" she scowled "I suggest you put that out and then dump anything else you have down the toilet or somewhere else, we're getting dorm inspections soon" she frowned "Every house" she looked at Cedric whos face had gone red "That a problem, Mr Diggory?" 

"Uh-" Cedric mumbled "No, not at all, Professor" He cast his charming Diggory smile at her "No problem at all" he smiled 

Professor McGonagall walked out, mumbling something about being similar to the marauders, making Harry smile

"Right, if you'd excuse me" Cedric stood up "I need to go hide a LOT of drugs" he whined "can someone come help me, please?" he rolled his eyes "Theres quite a bit" 

"how much we talking?" Fred and George smiled in unison 

"three large bags on pot, two small bags of coke, some pills, few potions" he seen Harry look at him "They give you this crazy buzz, makes you feel like you're floating, we had it at Maddis party, actually" he seen Harry ease "uh, think thats it?" he thought "I'm not sure, I can't always remember" he shrugged 

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