"One Or Two Drinks Couldn't Hurt"

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The group arrived at the burrow being greeted by Molly and her big group hugs 

"thank you for having me, Mrs Weasley, your home is absolutely beautiful" Luna spoke in her usual calm voice after separating from the bone crushing embrace of Mrs Weasley 

"oh, Luna, no need for formalities, please, call me Molly, dear. You're part of the family now" she smiled at the blonde hair Ravenclaw girl, rubbing her arms with her palms 

"come on, Luns, I'll show you to our room" Ginny smiled, standing on the stairs 

"of course, it was lovely meeting you Molly, thank you again for having me" Luna gave her heart warming smile before following her girlfriend up the stairs to her room 

"hi, again, Mrs Weasley" Cedric smiled before going in for a hug, he had been staying at the burrow on school breaks since his second year, he loved his dad, of course, however, he could be a little overwhelming at times. especially after the tournament 

"for the last time, Cedric, call me Molly" she placed a kiss on the fluffy haired boys cheek

"come on, Ced, we all know if you stayed down here after we went up we'd find you in Maddi's bed" Fred chuckled

not wanting anything awkward Cedric went to go up the stairs, but Molly had caught his arm and turned him around "what's this meant to mean? is there something going on between you two?" 

"no, mum, nothing, the boys just like to tease us" Maddi threw a glare to her brothers who just laughed and shook their head before walking up the stairs, followed by Cedric 

"hello, dear. oh how I've missed you" Molly exclaimed whilst wrapping her daughter into a suffocating embrace 

"mum, I've missed you too, but, I can't breath" she laughed whilst trying to escape the grip of her mother 

"I'm sorry, dear. right, everyone get their bags up, dinner will be ready shortly" 

"come on, 'mione, let's go" with that, Hermione followed her up the stairs and into Maddi's room, shortly joined by Ginny and Luna 

"so" Ginny began whilst sitting on her sisters bed, leaning her head on her shoulder "what's going on between you and Cedric then?" she queried, she always seemed to venture her way into her sisters love life, invited in or not 

"absolutely nothing, I've told you, he likes me as friend" Maddi put an emphasis on the last word, leaning her head on top of her sisters

"no bloody wonder you're not in Ravenclaw, you dumb bitch" Ginny laughed, earning a slap on her shoulder off of her sister

"what's that meant to mean?" Maddi questioned in a fake offended tone 

"oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that your completely oblivious to the fact that Cedric is completely head-over-heels in love with you" Hermione chimed in from her make shift bed, which Luna sat next to her on

"suck it" Maddi smiled "he is not" 

"who is not what?" Fred questioned, now walking through the door, followed by George and Cedric who sat on the other side of Maddi

"nothing, just gossiping" Maddi lied, not wanting to explain to the boys that they were talking about Cedric 

"nothing new there then" Ron laughed as he and Harry entered the room 

"so we just having a family gathering in my room then, fine" Maddi laughed as she came to the realisation almost everyone was in her room. Only one of her siblings that was home was missing from her room, and as if on cue, Bill walked in 

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