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"Shit" Cedric whispered, looking at Oliver 

Maddi grabbed her shirt from beside her "Hi, Oli" she smiled, pulling it back over her head "So, lets not tell-" 

Before she could finish her sentence, Oliver began his "GEORGIEEEEEE!!!" he shouted, making Fred and George run in, George holding a frying pan, Fred with a bottle of dish soap, for some reason "Wow, my heros" he rolled his eyes in sarcasm 

Luckily for Maddi and Cedric, the twins hadn't rounded the corner to see them yet, so while Oliver was being a sarcastic king, they both quickly got dressed, fixing their hair as best as they could, trying to hide their hickeys, Cedrics hand marks on Maddi neck and Cedrics now blood soaken shirt by facing towards them

Fred rolled his eyes "fine, so I didn't exactly bring the best weapon, but it was the only quick dangerous thing in the prank box we could get" he chuckled "now" he started "What'd you call us in for?" George ended, hugging Oliver

Then Maddi realised one thing...

She couldn't fucking walk.

"Cedric" she whispered, but it was too late, the boys had already walked to where they were 

"like I was saying, Maddi and Cedric are-" then he seen the two normal teenagers, standing having a conversation about one of Cedrics hoodies that Maddison still hasn't given back

"So uh, I washed it last night actually, I'll give it to you tomorrow" she smiled "Oh, hey" she acted as if she'd only just found out the three other boys had walked in

Maddi gave a quick 'bitch, I beat you' smile to Oliver

"Madds" he said, getting Maddi to look at him "Stand up for us?" he smiled

When she tried her legs completely buckled under her, making Cedric catch her, exposing his back to them all "Shit" he mumbled, the feeling of Maddis nails in his back? AMAZING!.... The feeling of them staring at how good he'd made her feel.... SHITTY! "well.... uh-" 

Fred looked to his twin who was just as dumbfounded as he was  "Ced, is your anxiety scars playing up again?" he smiled, he genuinely couldn't think of any other reason on why his back would be that fucked, I mean, he and Maddi were over and were both hooking up with different people

Oliver started shaking his head before Cedric spoke up "Yeah, mate with all the nightmares and everything getting worse, It's fine, I'll be okay" he smiled, before laughing at how angry the small Scottish boy was 

He stood there with his mouth hung open "b- bu- nooo" he whimpered "UGH!" He exclaimed, storming out of the room following the twins who wanted to give them privacy to continue their 'talk' 

Cedric turned back around to Maddi "Anyway" he smirked, kissing her again, he knew the moment was gone and they couldn't exactly pick up where they left of, but he still wanted to kiss her "We need a new hook up spot, don't you think, love?" he chuckled, placing his hands under her shirt, touching her bare skin, lifting her back onto the desk 

Maddi shuddered at the contact "Yeah" she smirked, pulling him into a hug "Ced" she whispered to him "I love you" she kissed his neck as she felt his grip on her getting tighter 

Cedric smiled to himself, looking down at her "I love you too, Beautiful" he knew Maddi was hiding something and he wanted  to help her, but he didn't want to pry and make her uncomfortable, so he kept himself quite for a while, not wanting to make it worse for her 

She looked up at him "Ced, haven't you got a match tomorrow?" she asked him

He groaned "yeah" he whimpered "against Ravenclaw" he threw his head back, being surprised when he felt Maddis lips on his skin, sucking lightly, he looked at her with  smirk on his face "You alright there, love?" he gently chuckled 

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