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"Well, that night was the night that I realised I like Maddi" he looked down at the girl who was now smiling ear to ear 

She'd worried for nothing, she doubted whether he still wanted Cho, but it was clear now he never, his favourite day was the day he realised he liked her, he truly was the sweetest person ever "Ced" she looked up at him "thats so cute" she kissed his cheek and continued to smile, nuzzling into her chest

Cedric pulled the younger girl into his chest, making sure he hold onto her tightly before she slipped through his finger tips, it could happen so easily, it could happen when neither of them expected it, which was the scariest  part 

George turned to Oliver "Oli, when was you're happiest day?" he smiled, hoping he wouldn't say something stupid over a special day they shared 

Oliver thought for a moment before looking back at his boyfriend "uuhh, I'm gonna have to say our second year" George smiled, had he really liked him for that long? "We won a Quidditch match with so many points that even if we didn't catch the snitch, we'd still have won, and it was against Slytherin" He smiled back on the  memory

Meanwhile, the smile that George had on his face had vanished "Really?" he asked, "You choose Quidditch over me?" he laughed, shaking his head "bastard" he rolled his eyes to which Wood just smiled and shrugged his shoulders, if he didn't want to know the true answer- don't ask the question

Maddi began to yawn, despite it being only half six in the evening she was extremely tired, probably from doing absolutely nothing all day "baby" she whispered to Cedric "I'm tired" she looked up at her perfect boyfriend 

"okay, love, do you want me to carry you to bed or you going to wait till after dinner?" he began to yawn in response, he wasn't even aware he was tired until Maddi mentioned it 

She snuggled into his chest "Can you carry me please?" she looked up at him once more, her puppy dog eyes purring up at him 

Cedric pushed his arms under her legs to carry her bridal style "Okay, Princess" he stood up with her in her arms, making sure her head was rested on his shoulder "I'm gonna take Maddi to bed and have a nap myself, see you all later" He smiled at the rest of the group before heading to the door 

Charlie and Bill looked at each other with a huge smile on their face "Here" Charlie stood up, opening the door for Cedric "There you go, mate" he smiled as he watched Cedric walk into Maddis room and shut the door behind him "I like him" he nodded his head, sitting back down next to Ginny , putting an arm around her shoulder and hugging into her 

As Cedric walked into Maddis bedroom he shut the door with his foot behind him, then laying her on the bed "there you go" he kissed her forehead before pulling his shirt over his head, getting ready to sleep beside her 

Maddi looked up at him, his abs were flexed just as his biceps were, his jogger bottoms hanging low on his hips, exposing his toned v-line "Thank you" she smiled, holding her arms out, asking him for a hug 

He smiled to himself, he loved it when she was needy, it made him feel less ridiculous, he always felt like he was far too needy but she acted like a baby and help her arms out for him to hug her or wanted to be extra close to him he loved it, like the day on the train when she drew on his face, she only left for five minutes and missed him "Okay, baby" he jumped on the bed laughing, pulling her into him and kissed her forehead before turning her over and pulling her into him once more, wanting to keep hold of her and protect her 

It only took a few seconds before they were both asleep, although Maddi was deep into a safe dreamless sleep, Cedric was having his dreams again, not nightmares, flashback dreams, it wasn't a usual, not about that night, not about how he almost died, it was the night of the Yule Ball, the slip up he and Maddi had

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