Party Time

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It was almost time for Maddis party, she was nervous to say the least, especially since they wouldn't tell her who was invited. She was getting ready in Cedrics room with him, this is how it had been since their first party as friends. Cedric was trying to decide what to wear and Maddi told him it had to match her dress, like always.

Cedric got out a pair of blue jeans and a white dress shirt, "Okay, will this go with your dress?" he asked for the tenth time in the past ten minutes. He didn't mind matching with her, he still loved it. He still loved her, yet of course, she couldn't know that 

Maddi looked at the things Cedric was holding up and then her dress which was hanging in a bag on his wardrobe door "Well, if you wear black jeans and wear those black shoes from outfit two, yeah" she smiled "I've told you what my dress is like, right?" she asked, she knew she hadn't, she wanted it to be a surprise. It was a short black dress that went to the top of her legs, at the back it stopped in the middle, exposing her skin, it was tight to her figure and if she bent down in it, you would definitely see her underwear, which was a black lacey thong. Her shoes were very high black heels, making her just under Cedric and the twins height

Cedric gave her a 'bitch please' look "You know you haven't" he laughed as he took his top off to put his shirt on, turning away from Maddi as to not make her uncomfortable "you hear about what happened between Draco and Harry last night?" he questioned as he began to button his shirt up "Harry was telling me before in the hospital wing" since last year Cedric and Harry were made to go to weekly check ups, however, Merlin forbid therapy 

Maddi looked over at him in confusion "uh, NO!" she got a little too excited, she loved Draco and Harry together, but she loved Fred and Harry together even more "spill!" she basically screamed 

As he buttoned up his jeans he turned around and walked to his dressing table where his after shave was, picking up a bottle, which he knew was Maddis favourite, he sprayed himself "well, Harry walked into Drays room and Pansy Parkinson was giving him head" he shrugged "So, Harry being Harry said it was small and the gagging noises she was making were fake" he laughed "Fred was basically jumping with joy when he found out, obviously not in front of Harry" 

Maddison was ecstatic "AAAHHHHH!" she screamed, making Cedric flinch "yay, wow, okay! do you think him and Fred will come together tonight then?"  she completely stopped what she was doing and ran over to Cedric, jumping on him, wrapping her legs and arms around him.

They looked into each others eyes for a moment before Cedric pushed her against the wall, smacking his lips against hers. His hands roamed down to her waist and hers combing through his soft hair.

The kiss was violent, desperate, he latched his lips to her neck, sucking violently, leaving deep purple marks "fuck, Cedric" she whispered, he kissed her once more before they both pulled away and looked into each others eyes, realising they weren't together anymore, they couldn't do that.

He dropped her back to her feet and fixed his hair "I uh- I'm sorry-" he mumbled, playing with the ring on his finger, looking at her hands to see she was still wearing his other one, a smile grew on his face

Maddi noticed his gaze at her hands and the smile that grew on his face "no uh, don't worry about it,  just as much my fault" she smiled. The tension was back, they knew what the other was thinking, neither of them wanted to stop the kiss but for the sake of their friendship, they had to "so uh- about Harry and Fred, think they're going together?" she asked, walking back over to her dress 

Cedric sat down on the bed, propping himself up with his hands behind him "uh, probably, but then knowing Harry he'd think Fred thought he was using him to get back at Malfoy" he shrugged, watching as Maddi walked into the bathroom to get changed 

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