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As Cedric stormed out of the common room and headed for Adrian, Maddi and the others followed him "Cedric!" Maddi grabbed his hand, trying to pull him back "Cedric, please" 

He stopped still and turned back around to face his friends, Fred and Harry "No, Maddison, no, he's fucking done this, he's fucking done this and he knew exactly what the fuck it'd do to both of us" 

Harry gulped.

Maddi looked him in his eyes "Babe, I get that, but you might get hurt" 

Cedric laughed "He'll get hurt" he laughed in rage again "He's fucked with the wrong person" every part of him was shaking, even his eyes were lightly going "I'm going to kill him"

Maddi was always quite slow, but this was even bad for her. After nearly five minutes she'd only just clocked onto everything that Adrian had done, he'd spied, he'd exposed them, he'd taken pictures of them, he'd done everything that had happened recently. Everything was down to him "Fuck it, not on your own you're not" 

Cedric smirked "Theres my girl" he winked, still shaking with anger 

Harry grabbed Freds hand and dragged him back "You lied." his teeth were gritted "I was going to tell them the truth" he shook his head "fuck you." he let go of his boyfriends hand and walked away

Fred shook his head, grabbing Harrys hand again "That would've gotten Cedric and the others even more pissed then they already are at us" 

Harry pulled his hand back "Oh yeah? What about when they find out you lied... I didn't say anything, they confront him and he says it wasn't him, they find out who it really is" he laughed in anger "the fuck do we do then?" 

Fred hadn't thought that far ahead "Shit" he quickly whispered "We need to stop them doing anything" The two boys ran into the Slytherin common room at full speed, but it was too late, they'd already confronted him 

Cedric was face to face with Adrian "YOU EVER FUCKING TRY ANYTHING LIKE THAT AGAIN-" 

Adrian looked confused but waited for Cedric to stop shouting, after a few minutes, he did "Okay, I can see you're pissed, I can see why too, if all that shit was exposed about me, I'd be like this too, but it wasn't me" he shook his head 

Cedric looked at Maddi with his eyebrows raised, then to Fred, then back at Adrian "Wait... what?"

Adrian shook his head "It wasn't me, theres shit about me on there too, if I was to do that, I'd protect myself" he shrugged "Plus, I'm a cunt, but I'd never do that shit to someone, sex life is too far"

Adrian was a pig, a vile pig who would do as he wanted, but what he was saying made sense, Cedric knew it too. He was too much of a sex addict to do something like that "Fred. Harry" he addressed the two boys "Outside, now." he growled at them

Harry and Fred hung their heads and followed, the now angrier, Cedric outside into the corridor "Before you-" the latter began

"Save it." Cedric spat "I'm talking now, you're going to listen" he knew he was being uncharacteristically rude, but they'd lied, a few times about something that hurt him, and Maddi "I am fucking done with both of you" he slightly chuckled with anger

It wouldn't be hard to be done with them, since school finished soon and there was no law that stated Cedric had to open the shop with them. He could just get his own place, own job and then he'd be fine, of course he'd have to see them when he and Maddi went to the Burrow, and obviously on Christmas and other occasions, because what was he going to do? Go home? No chance. 

"I want you to tell me who it actually was and then we're done" he shrugged

Fred sighed "You don't mean that, you don't, okay? You're just angry and rightfully so, but you don't mean what you say" 

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