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Maddison walked down stairs after she'd showered and found her brothers as well as the others huddled around Cedric laughing, wondering what on Earth was going on, she walked over to them "Morning" She smiled, getting a cup of coffee and standing next to Charlie, leaning her head on his arm "What you all talking about?" 

Cedric looked at her, once again admiring how perfect she was, how perfect she always managed to look "Telling them about how I beat Malfoys arse in Quidditch" He laughed, making the smile on Freds face grow bigger. Maddi found it funny how annoyed he'd get at the mention of Draco

Harry laughed at Freds smile before putting down his cup "Speaking of him, I have to try find a way to break up with him before school, seen as though I can't write him or pay him a visit" He added

Freds smile dropped "fabulous, now you can speak to Snakes and ferrets, I'd love your ability" He laughed, making almost everyone laugh, Harry was still sensitive when it came to the subject of Draco, he still loved him, he had the feeling he'd always love him, he was the first boy he'd ever had feelings for, and right now, he didn't know who his feelings were stronger for, Draco or Fred.

On one hand, Draco was his first real relationship, he'd shown him so much, they'd worked past so many things together, had so many fights and so many breakups. Then there was Fred, they'd never argued, he'd do anything to protect him, he'd already known him for so long, he was like his family, but yet it didn't feel weird. Harry was so confused on what was going on, why he couldn't choose, the first thing he thought of was Bella from Twilight, how she couldn't choose between Edward or Jacob, yet for her the choice seemed so obvious it was Edward- that's it, he needed to stop letting Maddi force him into watching twilight

"Harry?" Maddi attempted to snap him out of his trance "Harrold?" still no use. She turned to Fred "try get him back to Earth?" 

Fred was confused at first before he looked at Harry, instead of kissing him or knocking him like Maddi thought he'd do, he kneed him in the balls, earning a loud groan of pain come from Harry "There ya go" Fred smiled, tussling Maddis hair

"YOU FUCKING CUNT!" Harry groaned from the floor where he was curled up in a ball, cupping his balls with his his hands, Maddi could have sworn she seen tears. She looked at Cedric who seemed to be feelings Harrys pain, if that was possible 

Maddi rolled her eyes and helped Harry up, smacking Fred on the head "I meant in a nicer way, but sure" She walked over to Cedric and hugged him tight,  needing to be close to him "hi" she sweetly smiled, sounding like a five year old 

He smiled sweetly and kissed her on the head "Hi, princess, how are you?" He wrapped his arms around her waist and held tightly onto her 

She nuzzled into his chest, taking in his scent of honey and aftershave, with a hint of cinnamon "yeah, are you?" she closed her eyes, letting the scent of him over take her body

"Perfect, darling" He smiled once more, looking out into the daylight, admiring the green leaves from the trees that had grown outside the window, he'd always loved nature, especially trees, they were his favourite, when he was younger, if his father couldn't find him in the house he'd always know to look in the trees in the garden before panicking

Maddi sensed that he was in a World of his own, she loved it when he done this, zoned out, she always wondered what he thought about, never knowing it was things he could do with her, special dates he could take her on, presents to give her, ways to make her smile because it was her favourite thing in the World, her smile always made him happy, no matter what had went wrong in his day, seeing her smile and laugh could make it go from the worst to the best in seconds, he truly was in love with her and everything that came with. Whether it was her smile, her personality or her crazy family, he loved everything.

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