The Ministry

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It had now been a few weeks since Cedrics deepest secret had been exposed... Whoever it was was still sending notes out, however, the group of friends had more things on their mind... Umbridge.

She'd found out about Dumbledores army, they were all in her office at that very second. She'd just sat Harry down on the chair, asking him all sorts of questions about the army, about everything really. Everyone was stood behind the desk, Crabbe and Goyle had hold of Ron and Hermione and Draco had a tight grip around Freds arm, making sure they couldn't go anywhere 

Fred looked at Draco "You have five seconds" he nodded "Five" he counted "Fou-" Before he could even finish the second number, Draco had let go "what is your problem with me?" Fred whispered "don't get me wrong, I'm not assed you don't like me, quite frankly, I can't stand you, but I have my reasons. Why don't you like me?" he  questioned "And don't blame it on us being 'blood traitors' or our hair colour or where our dad works" he warned the younger student 

Draco took a deep breath in "You took Harry from me" he admitted "You're dating Harry and I want to be, I was with him, we were doing fine, and now you're dating him and I don't see why" he snarled

Fred rolled his eyes and went to talk again, but before he could say anything, a loud smack was heard from over by Umbridge and Harry. She'd hit him, right across the face, fully smacked him. Fred, Cedric, George and Ron went to walk over but where pulled back by the Slytherins that had helped Umbridge

Fred turned back to Draco "I didn't steal him, Malfoy" he rolled his eyes "You broke him and I'm fixing him" he spat "And by the way; being 'fine' in a relationship, isn't something to be proud of, okay?" he chuckled "Me and Harry are doing great, thats something to be proud of" he nodded 

Cedric had heard the full conversation "Can you two fuck off?" he chuckled "Harrys in a fucking interrogation here and you two are bloody arguing over him" he looked back towards where Umbridge and Harry were, trying so so hard to hear what they were saying before he turned to Maddi "Do you think Snape actually understood what Harry meant when he said 'he has Padfoot'?" 

Maddi turned to look at him and smiled "The marauders bullied Snape for years, theres no way he doesn't know they called him Padfoot, come on" she smiled "Of course he knew" she nodded "Just whether he cares is what we need to be worried about" 

Cedric nodded "I mean, surely he can't keep a grudge that long... right?" he thought "Its been what like... maybe eighteen years since they left school, give or take" he added "He can't still be pissed... right?" 

Maddi thought herself "Well, maybe... I mean, James did bully him, and then end up with the girl they both wanted and had a kid with her, and then died-" she knew enough 

The couple nodded "He's still mad" they concluded 

Cedric couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach, if Snape did nothing, Harry would loose another major part of his family before they'd even made it back together "I can't sit here and let this happen" he ducked to he floor, making it to a trap door he knew was under the desk "I'll meet you on the wooden bridge, bring the others" he whispered to Maddi before he disappeared 

Maddis face went wide "What?" she whispered "Cedric, where are you-?" she knew it was useless, he was already gone. 

Almost half an hour had passed before Harry had met Cedric on the bridge, just like Maddi had told him "The others will be here soon" he nodded at Cedric

He nodded "Great, so... whats the plan?" he smiled

Harry shook his head "You're not coming" he said firmly 

Cedric rolled his eyes and hit him over the back of the head "Shut the fuck up" he rolled his eyes again "I swear to Merlin, you make me wanna throw you off the Astronomy tower" he laughed whilst hugging into Harry 

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