24th of November

738 17 115


Hermione jumped up, turning to face Maddison at the stairs "Yeah?" She knew she was in trouble 

Maddi stormed down the stairs "my dorm" she demanded "now." 

The two boys looked up at Hermione who now had a lump in her throat "if I'm not back in twenty minutes, tell everyone it was Maddison" she whispered to the boys who nodded in agreement and understanding 

When they got to Maddis dorm, she shut the door behind them "WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL ME WHEN WE WERE IN HERE?!" she shouted at the younger girl 

Hermione wanted to calm her down as bets she could "I wanted to, I really did but Harry didn't want us to" she defended herself  "you're my best friend, you know that I would have but I couldn't" she sat down on the bed "theres things I can tell you and things I can't and that was one of the thinks I couldn't" she reassured her "I promise you" 

Maddi thought for a minute "fine, fine!" she rolled her eyes "Just seriously, I could kill you right now" she rolled her eyes again "now, give me a hug before you're six feet under" she chuckled. Once they pulled away Maddi spoke once more "ugh" she groaned "Feel like Cedrics going to put his head through a wall" she joked 

Hermione couldn't help but feel guilty for not  telling Maddi about what had happened between Harry and Cho, but she was sworn to secrecy, she couldn't break the boys trust, he was her best friend "Madds, you know I'd have told you if I could have" she smiled

Maddi placed her hand on Hermiones shoulder "don't worry, honestly, it's okay, just worried if this'll hurt Harry and Cedrics friendship" she thought back to how things have been for the past year, they spent more time together then the twins, and that was something they didn't think was possible

Hermione smiled back at her friend "sooo.... forgiven?" she asked

Maddi laughed and rolled her eyes "forgiven" she kissed the top of her forehead, pulling her in for a hug again "Now, lets go try sort this between the two bell ends" she laughed, standing up and helping Hermione up after her 

Maddison walked into the twins room, expecting to see angry Cedric and Fred, instead, she seen an angry Cedric and a Fred who had his tongue down Harrys throat "what the bloody hell happened here?" Maddi and Hermione puzzled in unison 

Cedric stood up, he was shaking "it was Cho, she kissed him, he didn't want to, he tried to tell her about Fred but she wouldn't listen to him" he was bright red from anger 

Maddi felt her blood boil "I'm gonna go have a little conversation with her" she fake smiled "set this bitch in her place" she stormed 

Cedric caught her arm "no, baby, don't, you won't be able contain yourself, her friends will be there, they'll start a fight and I don't want you to get hurt" he begged her 

Maddi thought for a minute "Gin, Luna, 'Mione, come with me, there. That enough protection?" she looked Cedric dead in the eye 

His face was straight, he took a deep breath in, holding it for a minute before exhaling "No, I'm going with you" his voice was firm and his face was straight "or you're not going" he added with a fake to match Maddisons 

She just laughed and tapped his chest a few times "funny one pretty boy" she laughed in a breath "but not happening" her face straightened "I'll see you later, if a fight starts, I'll leave, I swear" she lied

Cedric looked over at the boys for a minute, they all had the same look on their face 'drop it, she's going to win' he turned back to Maddi "fine, but if you come back with one hair out of place, I swear, to Lucifer, I will break her face" he smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead "I love you, be careful" 

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