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also, please vote and share if you want to, thank you and sorry for the constant cliff hangers, I find them funny 

Maddi turned around and seen Cedric standing at the door, his face scrunched in confusion and concern. she didn't want to lie to him, but she knew she had to for the sake of their relationship.

"nothing, don't worry about it. Everything's fine, I'm fine" she gave him a half hearted smile and walked in front of the small draw where she'd hidden the letter 

"Maddi, if somethings bothering me you know you can tell me, is everything okay?" he gave her a reassuring look and a smile

"I SAID I'M FINE, CEDRIC!" she instantly regretted snapping at him, the look on his face showed he was hurt by it, he was just trying to be nice, why couldn't she just be nice back? he hadn't done anything wrong 

"right, sure, well, I'll see you tomorrow then" with that, he walked out of her room and into the twins room

"everything alright, Ced?" Olivers voice came Georges bed where he was curled up into his chest 

"yeah, just- Maddi snapped for no reason when I was telling her I'm there for her" he shook his head passively and sat down next to Fred 

"don't worry, she's probably just tired or something, she'll be okay tomorrow" Fred reassured him and hugged him from behind 

"Freddie,  what the fuck are you doing?" Cedric laughed when he felt Fred himself around him 

"I'm comforting you, Ceddy" he hugged him tighter  and placed a kiss on the back of his neck, causing him to jump out of his arms and land on the floor 

"you little git!" Cedric laughed, causing Oliver and George laugh from the side of them 

"so, Cedric, got a question for you, mate" Oliver leaned over George and looked over at Cedric who was now in his own bed 

"what's up?" Cedric looked over at the quidditch crazy Oliver, scared for what he was going to ask him, especially since the twins were there

"we all know you've snogged her, how far have you and Maddi actually went any further?" 

"we don't- erm- we don't wanna talk about that-" Fred and George protested in unison 

Cedric turned over in his bed "yeah" he cleared his throat "yeah, lets not talk about that" he smiled to himself thinking about that morning after Maddi had woken up, but after he thought back to his last interaction with her, the smile dropped and turned more into a confused look, he didn't know why she was so upset, he didn't think he'd done anything wrong and the last thing he wanted was to hurt her again, especially since the whole thing with Cho, he knew she'd never do anything like that to him, he knew that is she had gotten a letter off of Dean or Adrian, she'd tell him

Not wanting to dwell on the thought of it, he closed his eyes and tried his best to fall asleep, not being successful for very long due to George and Oliver fighting over the  blanket 

"Cedric, wake up would you, bloody hell" Ron was violently shaking him. 

"I'm awake, I'm awake now bugger off" Cedric laughed whilst turning over "are dumb and dumber awake?" He groaned, still trying to adjust to the fact he was awake 

"oi, we heard that" the twins commented 

"what's wrong won won?" Oliver stretched, only just waking up himself 

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