Broken Boy Diggory

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A/N: hi, yeah, me again, this was a hard chapter for me to write and it may be hard for some people to read. TW of self harm, please if this could trigger you skip past the part after the great hall and the last sentence of the description when she walks into his room. I'll change the first and last word of each time its mentioned in Bold just so it's clear.  if you need any details about what happened, message me and I'll tell you 

"did she uhm, did she just go and see Pucey over Cedric?" Fred was able to mumble out, eh was past confused

"It seemed like it... I don't understand why, but okay" George continued and then looked at his brother "so, what's going on between you and Hazza?" he smirked at Fred who just rolled his eyes and stood up, heading to the door "can't avoid the question forever Freddie" George laughed once more before heading towards the door to follow his brother 

"nope, but I can try" he replied with a smile.

As they both got to the common room where the rest of their group were Harry had a small smile on his face when he seen the twins come down the stairs "what are you bloody smiling about?" Ron grumbled from beside him, Harry just shook his head in return and looked back at Hermione, who gave him a quick glare, also noticing the smile he had plastered onto his face 

"Maddi just left, guess she's going to try find Ced?" Oliver spoke up from the couch where he had sprawled himself 

"nope, long story, doesn't matter, hopefully they work out for Cedrics sake" George replied whilst pushing Oliver over the smallest bit to sit down before putting his legs back over him 

"why only for Ceds sake?" Ginny perused from the floor where she was doing homework 

"long story, but Maddis the reason they're arguing" Fred groaned whilst he sat next to Harry and gave him a quick smile which the younger boy returned.

At the same moment, Maddi was heading down to the Slytherin common room, trying her best to ignore the icy temperature the dungeons were. She arrived and mumbled the password that Adrian had told her the day she got her detention last term, walking in she was still not used to how the room was decorated, in her opinion, all the leather and dark lights made it look like a sex dungeon from the 50's, but due to how much house prise all the Slytherins have, she would never say that.

At the same second she walked in, Adrian had walked down the stairs with some of his friends, locking eyes with her, seeing the concern on her face "erm, you guys go, I'll catch up later on" he waved his friends away who began to wolf whistle, resulting in him giving them the death stare "it's not like that, now beat it." He walked over to the couch that separated the two and gestured for her to sit down "Maddi, what happened?" he actually sounded like he cared, which Maddi hated cause she knew he never.

She followed Adrians hand and sat down which he did as well, she hated the feeling of leather on her skin but pushed that thought aside "well, me and Cedric were, you know, and he started going at my neck" Adrian seemed annoyed with the thought of someone else being all over Maddi, but she was glad by it, after all, it was his fault that she was in this position, well, it was just as much hers as his "and I called him Adrian" His face went from annoyed to ecstatic,  a wide smirk came across his face, causing Maddi to hit him "It's not funny, Adrian! he's pissed at me, he walked out on me, he was crying. I felt so bad" 

He tried his hardest to wipe the smile off of his face "okay, so then why are you here and not looking for him then?" 

Maddi rolled her eyes before 

continuing to talk "I'm not meeting you tonight, or in general, again, I want to try and patch things up with him, but I can't do that if I continue to meet with you" she looked up at him for the first time in a while, she expected him to be pissed off, but he looked less annoyed then they thought he'd be 

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