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Cedric walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where everyone was sitting, Molly and Hermione were cooking breakfast for everyone, George and Oliver were arguing over whos better looking, George said himself and so did Oliver, Fred and Lee were trying to turn Rons hair back ginger after he ate something that made it go green, Ginny and Luna were talking to Lupin about Cornish Pixies, Sirius was checking himself out in a spoon, Harry was clearly doing everything he could to avoid Fred for some reason and it looked like Arthur had already left for work.

"Uh, I've just spoken to Maddi and she isn't feeling very well, I think it's the stress of everything that's been going on lately" He had to give it to himself, he was a very good liar "she just wanted me to tell you all she's going to be in bed a lot of today" he smiled

Fred and George had that look on their face, Cedric knew there was no way in hell that they believed him 

Molly looked over at him "Oh, that's rubbish, tell you what, how about you stay with her, make sure she's okay and we'll bring your meals up for you both?" the twins looked got even less trustful, making Cedrics heart race 

"thank you, Molly, I'll let her know" he went to turn back and walk out the room but the twins voice had stopped him, he felt his heart rate get faster and he was beginning to sweat 

"tell you what" Fred smiled "We'll come see her, won't we?" George finished, looking at the kids who were all seconds from laughing, they nodded their heads and Cedric mouthed for the twins to fuck themselves 

"Sure thing, sure she'd love it" he announced 'if them two don't kill me, she will' he whispered to himself under his breath 

The group of kids made their way up the stairs and into Maddis room after Fred had whispered something to Molly, the second she seen the rest of her family and friends behind Cedric, she was about to murder him 'I'm sorry' he mouthed 

George sat at the end of the bed and looked over at Maddi who had painfully managed to sit herself up "aww, got stomach pains, Madds?" he tilted his head to the side and had a fake sympathetic smile 

"Fuck off, George, yes, yes I have" she looked away from him, not wanting to laugh or give it away, even though they'd probably already guessed 

"Oh how terrible, do we know what brought it on?" Fred smirked in the same tone as his brother, sitting on the bed next to him 

"No, actually, just kind of happened last night, woke up and had really bad pains" she lied as best as she could 

"Lets hope it's not that thing, something to do with badgers about to be murdered" the twins and Ron said, looking over at Cedric who had seemed to occupy himself by looking at the ceiling, avoiding their gaze "Sure Bill would hate to see you like this, Madds, he'll be here soon and mum's going to send him right up to see you" Fred smiled, making Maddi and Cedric quickly look at each other with worried looks 

"Oh- uh, yeah, pretty sure I'll be fine soon" she smiled, she was terrified, the others knowing was one thing but Bill, oh he was going to kill him 

"yeah, I'm sure whatever caused it wasn't that big, isn't that right, Ced" Lee chimed from beside Oliver, smirking at him 

Cedric clenched his jaw and looked over to Lee "hhmm, I'm not sure, ask your mum" he smiled, making everyone but Lee burst into laughter 

Lee just rolled his eyes at Cedric before turning to Maddi "So, how was your early night?" he smirked

She knew she could have some fun with this "long, very long" Cedrics eyes went wide and he bit his lip trying to keep himself from laughing, wanting desperately to change the subject Maddi tried to find something else then she realised that Harry was standing as far away as possible from Fred as possible and Ron seemed to be hiding him, the fuck was happening there? Yesterday they almost fucked each other in front of everyone and now they won't even sit by each other?

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