The next morning

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When she woke up, Maddi felt a large pain through her head and a sick feeling in her stomach "uuuhhh" she groaned, sitting up, rubbing her fingers on her forehead, trying to deal with the head ache. Then she seen it, everyone scattered across Cedrics bedroom floor. Fred had his head in a plant pot he was clearly throwing up in and fell asleep during the process. George was lying like a dead body in the middle of the floor with Olivers head on his chest. Harry was lying next to Ron who was asleep on Hermione, who was peacefully reading a book whilst leaning against the wall. She looked beside her, looking for Cedric, but he wasn't there, 'why am I in his bed but he's not?' she thought to herself. She felt something in her hand, looking down it was Cedric, he'd fallen asleep holding her hand, on the floor 

She looked over at Hermione who didn't even look hungover "morning" she groaned at her, still holding Cedrics hand 

Hermione put her book down, smiling at Maddi "What's going on between you two?" she motioned at hers and Cedrics connected hand "back together?" she asked

Maddi smiled at the passed out Cedric on the floor "No, we just agreed last night that we belong to each other, I got a little mad when some girl  tried to flirt with him" she admitted "We also kind of had a little slip up last night when we were getting ready" she smirked, biting her lip at the memory

Hermione shot up, sitting straight, not even caring if she woke the two boys up "WHAT?!" she whispered yelled "What do you mean by 'a slip up' Maddison?" 

Maddi smirked "well" before she knew, Hermione had moved her brothers head onto the floor and ran to sit on the bed "Merlin, Hermione" she laughed "well, we uh- we kissed" she smiled back at memory "maybe a little more then a kiss" she she got excited again

Hermione had a giant smile on her face "So- so, what does this mean for you two? Like a friends with benefits kinda thing? or?" she was now sitting cross legged on the bed, facing Maddison

"N-no" she stuttered "uh, we both agreed that  it's better as just friends, no benefits" she chuckled, "Not exactly what I wanted, but, its what's best and-" before she could finish her sentence, Cedric woke up 

"What the fuck is going on?" he groaned, sitting up, still holding onto Maddis hand like his life depended on it "Whys Hermione looking at me as if I've just fucked her mother?" he laughed, Maddison forgot that even hungover Cedric has no filter 

Hermione looked at Maddi with wide eyes "No reason, Cedric, but before one of the boys rugby tackles you, I'd put a shirt on" she chuckled, pointing to his chest

Cedric looked down, seeing writing on his abs "The fuck does it say?" he pulled his chin to his chest, trying his hardest to read it "fuck this, I'm looking in the mirror" he stood up, looking at the full body length mirror that hung on his wall "Shit, its backwards!" he grunted "Madds, what does it say? Its your writing!" he turned to Maddi, looking her in the eyes 

Maddi took a second to read the words that were rest on his chest 'Bitch stay the fuck away, I belong to Maddison Weasley' "uuuhhh, promise not to get mad, and I will" she smiled at Hermione. The memory came back. It was an hour after the whole thing with Fred and Harry, she found yet another girl trying to flirt with Cedric after he'd taken his shirt off because George spilled a pint on him, so, her being her, she got a pen and drew on his chest. Although she remembered writing on Cedrics body, she didn't remember Cedric returning the favour 

He laughed before looking back at her "I promise, this best had come off!" 

She smiled once more, "I was warning bitches to back off because you're mine! she winked, standing up and heading to the bathroom "now, I'm going for a shower" she smiled 

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