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A/N: THIS CHAPTER WILL INVOLVE MENTIONS OF SENSITIVE SUBJECTS SUCH AS SELF HARM, CHILD ABUSE.  I'm also sorry i haven't been posting! I've been so busy with school and everything, im sorry, guys! 

It took Maddi and Cedric around half an hour to get where he'd set up the picnic, he'd done it in a secluded part of the woods, tall trees towering over them, the sounds of all the mythical creatures around them, and for the first time in what felt like months... Privacy 

Cedric looked at her as they made their way to the cleared out space, he wanted to gage her reaction, see if she liked it. Which by her reaction, she really, really did. There was a large picnic blanket layed out with a basket on top of it, filled with delightful delicacies along side layed a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Maddi looked up at him "It's beautiful" she smiled 

Cedric smiled before he walked in front of her, his smile staying wide, he sat down and extended his hand out to help her "Maddison, Amelia, Weasley" he smiled even more when he seen her roll her eyes at the use of her full name "You have made me the happiest Hufflepuff there has ever been" he smirked at her blushing "And we don't tend to get angry" he added "Yeah, I guess we've had out ups are downs, but they've only made us stronger" He was giving a big speech for one reason, he never wanted something to happen to him and have her not know how much he feels for her "Theres been times when most people would've broken up" he shrugged "But again, we came back from it and I just need you to know how special you are to me and how badly I love you" 

Maddi felt tears swell in her eyes "Could you be any more perfect?" she lightly chuckled "I love you too, Ced" she smiled "So, so much" she took hold of his hand "And yeah, maybe sometimes I'm not the best at showing it, but you're the one and only person I ever want to be with" she smiled before she kissed him

Cedric smiled as he pulled away from the kiss "Madds" he looked at her "You have no idea how much you mean to me" he gently bit his lip 

Maddi smiled before she rested her head on his chest "I'm so glad that we're finally alone and not having to take pictures or notes down" she smiled at him, nuzzling into his chest

Cedric nodded "I know, love" he took a deep breath in "Finally" he kissed her forehead "Just us two" he wrapped his arm around her "You doing okay?" he asked her 

Maddi nodded her head "Yeah" she smiled "You?" she asked back

He nodded and hummed a tune "Yeah, love" he lied "Perfect" he smiled, kissing her forehead again "Just glad to be here with you" that was actually true, unlike when he said he was okay "Finally" he chuckled "Sorry it took a while, Princess" he smiled at her

Maddi smiled again "Ced, please don't apologise" she smiled at him "it's perfect" she kissed him on the cheek 

Cedric sat up a little bit more, reaching into the basket "Here" he smiled, feeding her a chocolate covered strawberry "Your favourite" he smiled

Maddi felt herself blush "You remembered?" she felt her heart skip a beat

Cedric pulled his face back "Of course, I did" he chuckled "Why wouldn't I?" he bit his lip "Your favourite food is chocolate covered strawberries, your favourite drink is apple juice or strawberry sour shots" he smiled "You prefer to nap in shorts but prefer to sleep in longer pants at night" he smiled again "You don't like your foods touching if you're at Hogwarts but you don't mind it if you're at the burrow" he smiled at her 

Maddi looked at him, her eyes welling with tears, her bottom lip quivering "Cedric" she whispered "You're adorable" she smiled 

Cedric smirked "I haven't done anything, love, I just know things about the girl I love" he kissed her cheek once more 

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