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They had finally gotten to the old black house. Walking through the front door, he expected to see her instantly, he never, she wasn't there, but the twins were and Cedric had missed them just as much "FRED! GEORGE!" he ran into them, pulling them into a tight hug, not wanting to let them go 

"CEDRIC!" they screamed in unison, meeting him in the hug, not one of the three could breath, at all, they didn't care, Cedric was like a brother to the twins and the twins like brothers to Cedric. They'd been his family since the first break he stayed at the burrow, that had felt like so long ago, it was, scarily far away

"MERLIN, I'VEMISSED YOU ALL!" he went round, hugging each Weasley until Maddi walked down the stairs, it was like a movie. Their eyes met and a huge smile crept onto both of their faces, he broke from the hug he was giving Arthur, earning Luna a spot "Maddi!" he yelled, running half way up the stairs to meet her, pulling her into a hug and lifting her off the stairs "God how I've missed you" he kissed her, more passionately then before, deeper, never wanting to let her go, never wanting to be away from her again, it hurt too much. "I need to tell you, the first day you were gone, I went out for a smoke, Cho came over and made a pass at me, I refused and I've felt so bad about it ever since" 

"I've missed you too" She squealed back, he placed her down on the step once more before looking at her lovingly, placing a kiss on her forehead "no, don't worry about it, it's okay. I uh, I invited somebody actually, had nowhere to go" she smiled at him, as if he were about to hate her

"How are you not in Hufflepuff?" he laughed at her "Who is it?" 

"Don't be mad..." he knew he was going to be mad when she said that 

"Who is it?" the happiness from his voice now gone, everybody that once stood at the front door, just saying their hellos had walked away into the dinning room, not wanting to be near when she told him, only the Weasleys knew and Luna, Hermione, Harry and Oliver didn't even want to know. Harry having a very heart warming hello with Remus and Sirius.

"It's uhm" She cleared her throat, putting confidence into herself "It's Pucey" 

The smile on his face went, anger coursing through his body "I'm sorry" he fake laughed "who now? to me, it sounded like you said Pucey, but that can't be right, you can't be talking about the boy who wanted to take you" he shook his head, about to correct himself "the kid who you cheated on me with" he laughed before going to walk down the stairs, heading towards the front door 

"Cedric! where are you going? You've only just got here!" Sirius shouted from the long dinner table in the kitchen 

"I uhm- I need some air, I can't be here right now" He smiled as best he could, walking out of the door

Remus and Sirius didn't have a clue what happened between Maddi ad Pucey, nor did Molly or Arthur, she planned on keeping it that way. Amos knew, neither of them wanted him to but he found out, Merlin knows how, but he did

"Cedric, I didn't think it'd be that big of a deal" she shouted to him before he could shut the door

He walked back in, shutting the door behind him, walking up a step "You- you didn't think it'd be that big of a deal?" he almost yelled, then seeing Fred at the door, miming something about him closing the door and the silencing spell 

"No, I never, it's not like I  asked him here to fuck him, is it?" she was getting defensive, she understood that he might've gotten annoyed, but she thought this was a little over dramatic 

"whatever, Maddi, know what- let him stay here, have him all fucking break, I trusted you again after what you did- keep him, have him instead" This time, Cedric didn't walk out of the house, he walked into the dinning room with everyone else 

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