Over and Over again

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Some thing in this chapter may be uncomfortable, I'll make the start and end of the sentence in bold; sexual harassment 

"Harry- just wait" Draco walked out and followed Harry the best he could before getting lost somewhere after the stairs changed 

"Should one of us follow him?" Ron questioned from beside, earning a smack from Ginny and and Hermione 

"Yes! Us!" Hermione yelled, causing George to drop his food and scowl at Hermione 

"oh, yeah, right, it should be" Ron muttered whilst standing up and walking out 

"So, you two all sorted then?" Fred puzzled

Maddi didn't look up from her plate, knowing she'd still hurt Cedric, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into him "absolutely" he kissed the top of her head "So, we're leaving for Christmas soon, everyone excited?" Fred nodded his head and George began looking around 

"you alright there, Georgie?" Fred asked, poking his brothers arm

His face dropped "SHIT" he stood up and began to collect himself "I was meant to meet Oli half an hour ago" he started to run out of the hall, trying his hardest not to fall over something, usually his own feet

"and I think we're going to head to bed" Ginny and Luna smiled, said their goodnights to the three people left at the table before going to the Ravenclaw common rooms 

"And then there were three" Fred smirked, Lee would usually also be there but he was in detention with McGonagall for the way he commentated the last Quidditch match. Looking around and seeing most people had in fact left and the only other table with people on was Ravenclaw "So, what we doing tonight then?" Fred wasn't used to being single, or alone, even when it was for a few minutes, George was always near him

"We" Maddi motioned towards her and Cedric "are watching a film in his dorm" she laughed and moved her head back onto Cedric 

"Maddi, be nice, he's your brother. Fred, you wanna watch a film with us? twilight or something, she's making me watch it" he rolled his eyes and made Fred laugh.

"Sure, nice film night and I get to make sure no funny business goes on between you to" he smirks, just and George and Oliver walked back through the doors to the great hall, George whipping the side of his mouth with his thumb, causing the three who were at the table, look at each with wide eyes "Now we know why he was eager to go meet him" Cedric smirked

"that's my brother" Maddi whined, as the two boys sat down at the table 

"didn't see me complaining when you came here with a coloured in neck" George chuckled from beside his twin, making Maddi roll her eyes and Cedric smirk to himself "well then, what's the plan for tonight?" 

"was about to ask the same thing, George" Harry laughed from behind him, Ron and Hermione following him, sitting down beside them, Harry obviously next to Fred

"well, we're all watching twilight in Ceds room" Fred smirked, seeing Maddis face drop 

"oh for fuck sake, that one with the depressed vampire?" Ron rolled his eyes, it's all Maddi ever watched, mainly because of Edward but she would never admit that

"yes, it has a good plot" she smirked, not looking up, she heard several agreements from Hermione, Harry and Oliver 

"fuck off, you just like Edward" Ron rolled his eyes 

"Wait... Edward?" despite always being at the burrow, Cedric had always refused to watch it with her, as did the twins until Cedric was napping one day and Maddi threatened them

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