Week Alone

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Cedric woke up the next day and wet to reach over to cuddle into Maddi, forgetting that swasn't there, he let out a groan to himself remembering he was alone

"Ced, you in there?" Why the fuck was Harry Potter knocking at his door, he looked over at the clock that was on his bed side table, reading 08:00 he rolled over and threw his head back 

"Yeah, Harry, I haven't went down yet and I don't plan on it, okay? It's far too early" Cedric usually woke up at 8:30 and went down for breakfast at 9, he didn't want to break that routine 

"Come on, Ced" Harry walked into his room, pulling the blanket off of him, making him groan once more in annoyance 

"Fuck yourself" he remarked, he didn't get back to his dorm until three, even after that he couldn't sleep until five, even then he was in and out of it, worried about everything, about how Maddi was feeling about what Justin did, about how they were all feeling about Arthur, everything about Harry and Fred, if Hermione was going to be okay without Rom, his nerves were on edge

"No, actually, I don't feel like doing that, thank you for the offer though" he smiled back, laughing at Cedric who was acting like a six year old not wanting to get out of bed 

"I want to sleep" he groaned once more, rolling over onto his stomach 

"You can sleep when you're dead, imagine what Maddi would to do me if I let you piss off all week when she's not here?" Harry pulled him up and threw his uniform at him 

Cedric stood up and walked into the bathroom to get a shower "She probably wouldn't care" he muttered before turning the water on and stepping into the water and letting the scorching temperature turn his skin red. He used to hate his shower this hot, then he and Maddi got a shower together and he actually enjoyed it, still to determine whether he liked the temperature, or his naked girlfriend in there with him. He got rid of the memory and the little smirk that had formed on his face and picked up his shower gel, it was Honey and Cinnamon, Maddis favourite. He layered it all over his body and face, leaving it for a minute before letting the water rinse it off. The water flattening his hair on his face, causing it to loose its perfect style.

He stepped out of the shower, wrapping a warm towel around his waist, just enough to show his v-line. He looked in the mirror that was above the sink and seen his hair, flat and wet on his forehead, it took him back to the biggest mistake he'd ever made. The day he put his name in that fucking Goblet. His hair looked the exact same as it did now. Tears swelled in his eyes, threatening to paint his face, he quickly shook the thought once more and headed to get changed.

"Finally, what took you so long?" Harry laughed, he wouldn't leave, he knew Cedric would just go back to bed and he wasn't going to let that happen 

"You think I'm this good looking naturally?" he laughed, trying to hide his true feelings of pain

"Seen as though you looked good almost dying last year.... I'd say... yeah, pretty much" Harry laughed back, but even though he had done things like that many of times before, last year hurt the most, he almost lost one of his best friends, and it would've been his fault. He could feel the tears forming in his own eyes, he quickly shook them away and turned around to get Cedrics time table for that day, wanting to hide his own feelings.

"Looks like you have pot-" his words came to a halt when he felt Cedric hug him from behind. Without even thinking he turned around and hugged him back "I'm so sorry, Cedric, you- you could've died, you- you almost did and it would've been my fault... I-" he began to cry into his bare chest, he didn't know what to do

"It's okay, Harry, don't blame yourself, I'm the one that told you to take the cup, I'm the one that should be sorry- I am the one thats sorry" he pulled his even closer before pulling him away "But- we uhm- we made it and thats all that matters" he looked at the younger boy, the pain in his eyes was there, it was visible, it was clear he was in just as much pain as he is "hey, he's back, and know what? When he decides to show up, we're all going to fight, okay? all of us, We can do it" 

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