"Piss Off, You Wanker"

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It was a dangerous time. 

Who knew what would happen? 

Who knew if things would be the same for people after it all? 

Nobody knew who'd make it out alive. 

Nobody knew anything. Anything about what? About what events could happen that night. All they knew, was that Bill had alcohol and a wish to play a drinking game. It could never end well.  Well, the past two times that they played, it had never ended well. Either things got a little too heated between Cedric and Maddi or between Fred and Harry.

He wouldn't tell them much about the game, only that it involved a lot of alcohol and veritaserum. But yet, it wasn't truth or dare, but something very similar. Maddi was absolutely terrified, if everyone found out what had gone on between her and Pucey, they'd hate her, especially since it was Cedric, he was the sweetest lad ever and she basically broke him, after he was already shattered to begin with.

Maddi looked at Bill who was already standing with the vodka and the vile of veritaserum in his hand, a grin plastered on his face, he began pouring 13 glasses, once everyone looked around wondering who the extra glass was for, Charlie burst through the door with an extra large bottle of fire whiskey in his already large hand, making the bottle look sort of small. "Surpriseeee" he cheered, pulling everybody in to a hug.

It was very rare they got to see Charlie, he ran off to Romania before he could even finish school properly and was always there, but when he was back, you knew. He was never quite and caused more trouble then the twins and Maddi (Okay, I haven't read the books in a while, so I can't remember but he's like this in this story, let's roll with it) Maddi and Charlie had always seen eye-to-eye on things, he was just as protective as Bill and freaked when she wrote to him about her and Cedric dating, but he calmed down after he knew it was him, because he had been well informed on the bloke, since he was always at the Burrow and knew how caring he was.

"You knew he was coming home 'n' never told us?! slimy little git" Ron snarked, slightly laughing with his arms crossed across his chest and his legs slightly parted where he stood next to Hermione. He always tried to act extra tough around her, trying to win her over, it never worked much, she still thought he was an inconsiderate git, or so she said, Maddi knew she liked him, as did Ginny and Luna, she'd just never actually admit it.

"'course I did, who'd ya think invited him, dick'ed"  Bill chuckled back, hugging Charlie from the side. 

Charlie was a tall muscly man with medium length hair which fell to the top of his neck, it was always straight and well kept. He had a tattoo of a dragon on the left side of his chest which was visible from what he was wearing. A dark magenta long sleeved shirt on, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the buttons undone to half way down his chest. Maddi was pretty sure that he'd hooked up with some stranger on his way to them. He had jeans on which were as dark as the night sky, clinging tightly to his toned legs and a pair of black leather boots on which went just above his ankles. 

Maddi could see Harry and Hermione standing there, staring at him in awe. Ew. She seen Fred clenched his jaw at the sight of Harry gorging at his older brother as if he were about to pounce on him. He nudged his shoulder and gave him an eyebrow raise, as if to tell him to pack it in, he mouthed something to him, Maddi couldn't make everything out, just something about 'wrong one, bitch' making Harry chuckle to himself.

"Oi. You. Here. Now." Charlie pointed at Maddi and motioned his finger for her to walk closer. Maddi knew it was about her neck, he'd just been talking to Bill and he seen the anger course through his face. Maddi slowly walked to him as he pointed to Cedric as well "and you. Here" 

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