Hannah Abbot

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Maddi stuttered for a minute "uh-" she didn't know what to say, they'd been found out "what?" she laughed "no, 'Mione, where have you been? I just to, we broke up" she chuckled at the younger girl "remember" she fixed her hair, making sure her neck was hidden

Hermione scoffed and rolled her eyes "Honestly" she laughed "how stupid do you think I am?" she moved her hand to her hair, revealing the hand marks and hickeys Cedric had left there "what are these then?" she peered, making Maddis face go red "your body get tired  so he held your neck for you?" she joked

Maddi slapped her hand away, laughing "'Mione!" she whisper yelled. A guilty look grew on her face "Not obvious, is it?" she smiled guiltily

Hermione giggled "not to anyone else, is to me, especially when he said a great bottom and you mentioned about him being a top" she admitted "how long for?" she crossed her arms in front of her chest, staring at her

Maddi looked back into the great hall, seeing Cedric laughing and joking with the rest of the group before she turned back to Hermione "The morning after my party, okay?" she smiled

Hermiones jaw dropped "Maddison!" she quietly exclaimed "And care to tell me why I'm only just finding this out?!" she dropped her arms to her side, now giving her a disappointed mother look she'd gotten used to over the years.... and her life, Molly was never really proud of her and the twins and she knew it

She rolled her eyes, fixing the position she was standing in, feeling rather uncomfortable in Hermiones gaze "we're keeping it a secret, nobody can know, it's a friends with benefits thing, nothing more" she nodded to the younger bushy haired girl "now, please don't tell anyone, 'Mione" she begged her best friend

Hermione chuckled, placing a comforting hand on her friends shoulder for comfort "I won't" She looked back into the great hall, seeing Cedric pulling his jumper over his head "oohhoo, your fancy mans stripping by the way, just to let you know" she winked, not expecting Maddi to look as quickly as she did

Almost snapping her neck, Maddi shot her head to look at him, 'he's only taking his fucking jumper off' She rolled her eyes, looking back at Hermione "you got me excited for nothing, bitch" she chuckled as they both walking back into the great hall, sitting back down at the table, once again next to Cedric "and exactly why are you taking your jumper off?" she laughed, now noticing his wet shirt which you could clearly see his abs through, at the same time noticing how his biceps were almost ripping through his short shirt sleeves 

Cedric noticed her eyes stuck on his chest, he began to feel a little self conscious, brushing it off he put his finger under her chin once more, locking eyes with her, he quickly winked before he spoke "eyes are up here, Weasley" he laughed "and that would be because your dipshit little brother decided to fucking spit his drink all over me" he threw Ron a pair of dagger eyes 

Maddi discreetly bit her lip before shaking herself back into concentrating "Won Won, why would you do that?"  she asked in a happy voice, she never knew until then but it turns out that she wanted him to do it sooner "Hate to cut it short but I have homework I need to be doing, so I'll see you all later on" she smiled before standing up, hugging everyone good bye, apart from her brothers, then she got to Cedric, as she hugged him she felt his lips attach to her neck, gently sucking on her skin 

Cedric pulled away and winked discreetly again "see you later, Madds" he smiled, turning back to the twins

Maddi felt shivers down her spine... Had he actually just done that? She brushed it off as best she could before walking back to her dorm, seeing an old friend on the way "Long time, no see, Abbot" she winked at Hannah

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