Drugs, Alcohol And More Drugs

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"Now, has everyone got everything?" Molly double checked at the station, saying goodbye was always the hardest part, she wasn't going to see her kids until Christmas, something she had always hated, them not constantly being around all the time.

"yeah, everything, mum" Maddi spoke for her siblings, Cedric, Harry and Hermione, knowing they all had everything, since it was  the fifth time  she'd checked since they'd arrived at the station. she was trying to forget the fact that Adrian had sent her another letter this morning


               I can't wait to see you tonight, thank you for agreeing to come see me, I knew you wouldn't take much persuasion, I realised I hadn't replied to your  other statement, don't worry about it, our little secret, have no fear, Madds

- yours, Adrian

she shoved that and the other two letters in her pocket, she didn't know whether she liked the feeling of having a little secret from Cedric, he was so sweet but then he was too sweet, she wanted to be angry at him for being rude and disrespectful to her, but he never was and she didn't know why she wanted him to be this way, yet she still felt guilty for keeping it from him for the exact same reason, he was so sweet and always treated her with respect, the one thing she was sure about, she was in love with Cedric and felt absolutely nothing towards Adrian, her thoughts almost swallowed her whole until her mothers voice broke her out of the trance. 

"good, good" the train was now letting people board, remembering how hard it was to find a booth from her years at Hogwarts, she thought it would be best to let them all board "I'll see you all at Christmas, I love you all!" murmurs of  'I love you, too's were heard as the big group boarded the steam train, splitting their separate ways, not until they all witnessed the long awaited reunion of Harry and Draco. Harry, Hermione and Ron instantly began talking about Dumbledore's army to Draco, whos smile began to fade upon the mention of it, before Maddi even had the  chance to think about it, the twins had pulled her and Cedric into a compartment, which was also taken by Lee Jordan and Oliver Wood who sat talking about quidditch, no surprise there. 

Maddi finally felt happy, then she remembered tonight was the night she was going to see Adrian, this probably should've pulled a downer on her mood, but surprisingly, it hadn't made much difference to her mood, good or bad, which started to freak her out.   She didn't want to be excited about seeing him, but she also didn't want to be annoyed that she was seeing him. It was confusing her, how she felt, she didn't want to be confused, she wanted to hate him, but something inside her wouldn't let her hate him, now matter how hard she tried.

"Madds, everything okay?" she felt Cedrics hand on her thigh, only causing the feeling of guilt to intensify, he cared so much and he still apologised about the letters with Cho

It was all getting too much for her "yeah, I'm perfect, I just need some fresh air" without waiting for anyone to reply she stood up and walked out, shutting the door behind her, deciding to walk down the corridor, until she spotted Adrian, immediately turning around in her tracks, walking the other way, hoping he didn't see her and luckily, he never, he was too busy talking to Flint about God knows what for him to see her, it was only when she went to rub her eyes that she realised how badly she was shaking and how much she badly wanted to be with Cedric, even if it was just sitting in a train compartment with him, luckily she found herself very close to the compartment they had sat in, she slipped back in and sat as close as she could to Cedric, wrapping him into a hug, trying her hardest not to cry, not being successful, luckily Cedric noticed before anyone else 

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