Water day

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As Fred and George walked towards their sister, sitting on the Gryffindor common room couch, they noticed tears falling down her cheeks

"Merlin, Maddi, what's happened? are you ok-" George began but quickly stopped after he noticed the crimson blood trickle down her dainty hand 

"Mads, did- did Umbridge do this to you? I- I didn't even know you had a detention tonight... why were you there?" he knelt down by her side on the floor, stroking her soft hair as Fred followed in suit.

"she erm- she found us were we shouldn't have been yesterday..."

"us? who's us?" Fred questioned with a suggestive smile

"me and Pucey..." she added shamefully, not lifting her head up, wanting to avoid her brothers gaze at all costs 

"you...and....and Pucey...?" George was shocked, he had always been a twat who used girls how and when he pleased and the thought of him being anywhere near his little sister made his blood boil

"it was a one time thing, don't worry about it, it won't happen again" she reassured her brothers, looking up at them

"yeah, dam fucking right it won't, he even attempts to lay another fucking finger on you and I will personally murder him" she heard from behind her, turning around after instantly recognising the voice to be Cedric 

"heel" she commanded as if he were a dog "good boy" she reassured, petting Cedric's hair. He and the boys had always been very  protective of her, she referred to them as her guard dogs 

"it's not funny, Mads, I mean it, he goes nowhere near you" he sat on the couch next to her and looked into her eyes and took her hand into his "boys, I think it's time we teach Umbridge, not to fuck with our Maddi, don't you?" a grin coming across his face.

Cedric never took part in their pranks, he always felt too bad in case he hurt anybody, but nobody hurt Maddi, no body hurt his Maddi.

"you have no idea how long I've wanted you to say those words, Cedric" George had a wide evil grin across his face, stretching up to his eyes

"I'll go get one of the boxes" Fred practically screamed whilst jumping up in excitement

"oh and Ced, mum said you're staying this year for half term. can't wait. you'll be in our room. Ron n Harry in Ron's room. Maddi n Hermione in Maddi's room n Ginny n Luna in Ginny's room" George added before going to help Fred with the boxes

"wait... GINNY'S BRINGING LUNA TO MEET MUM AND DAD?!" Maddi had practically jumped off of the couch when she heard. She was the first one who knew about Ginny and Luna's relationship and was so happy when her mum accepted her and invited Luna for the break, however, last time she spoke about it with her sister, she still hadn't decided

"yeah" George muttered in excitement just before he went to walked up the stairs

"and are you bringing Oliver?" Maddison questioned. George hadn't officially told anyone about their relationship but Maddi, Fred and Cedric knew

"what erm- what are you on about?" he turned around on his heels quickly "wh- why would I bring Oliver?"

"oh no reason...." she added, throwing a look to Cedric "just cause Ginny and Luna and mum invited Draco but he couldn't come. then Ron and Hermione have their flirting thing. Angie was going to come but they're off again, what a surprise. so I just thought you'd bring Oli"

"how did- how did you know?" he questioned, walking closer to his sister

"well, you had a hickey on your neck and Fred asked what it was from.... Oliver walked in and you said you got a splinter... I put 'wood' and 'splinter' together, eventually Ced got it and then we had to explain it to Fred again after an hour of him still not getting it" she smirked, earning a high five from Cedric who was still on the couch

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