The Tie

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It had been a few days since Maddis birthday. Their group still had no idea about their casual hook up and thats how they wanted it to stay. They had exactly what they wanted.

It was last class and Maddison was in potions, she was sitting at the back, right next to Charlie Hull, he was a Ravenclaw and on the quidditch team. He was around 6'0, just smaller then Cedric. He had short fluffy black hair and a very sharp jawline. His eyes were a shade of dark green. Maddi found herself having a little crush on him "Do you know what he's on about?" he turned to Maddi, flashing his amazing smile at her 

'No, NO!' she screamed at herself in her head 'friends with benefits thing with Cedric'  She needed to keep thinking that, she couldn't hurt him again, 'but, we're not technically together' she thought once more before she answered him "not a clue" she shook her head, smiling back at him

Charlie smiled back at her "wanna see if we can go the library?" he smiled once more "I could really use it and he'd let us" he shrugged

Maddi thought about it, leaving Snapes boring ass lesson "sure" she smiled back, picking her bag up when Charlie went to ask Snape 'okay, you're just going to revise with a cute kid, Cedric can't be mad, we're not dating and we're only studying' she was pulled by her thoughts when she seen somebody walk past her, yet she didn't see who, then she realised Charlie come back

He tapped her on the back "lets go" he nodded, gesturing to the door

As the two walked to the library, Maddi remembered that Cedric had a free period and would either be in the library or on the quidditch pitch, she wasn't sure which one she wanted "Cedric might be in here" she smiled up to Charlie, hoping two things, one that he'd actually be there and two, that Charlie would be intimidated by him

He looked down and smiled at her "He's friends with my brother" he chuckled "Well, he was" he gave a suggestive look, making Maddi confused

'the fuck does he mean 'was'? Cedric hadn't-' then it clicked. She realised his last name "You're Jeremys brother" she sighed, slightly cringing to herself, stopping in her tracks 

He laughed slightly to himself before speaking "yeah, wondered if you'd get onto that" he stopped walking just a few steps in front of Maddison "don't worry about it" he laughed "I weren't too phased, we don't get along too well" he looked down "Well, it's just  sibling drama but, you get me" he laughed

Maddi thought, she'd definitely had a lot of sibling drama "yeah" she nodded.

They walked for a few more minutes before Charlie looked down, going to speak until he seem a mark on Maddis neck "Whats that?" he chuckled, moving her hair away from her neck "Sorry for intruding, I was just under the impression that you and Diggory were over" he looked once more at the large hand print bruise that was on her neck, which had faded a little bit but was still visible 

Maddis voice stopped, she couldn't talk "uh" she tried to find an excuse, but then realised she'd have to come clean "we may have a little friends with benefits thing going on, but you can't tell anyone" she looked at him, her eyes filled with need 

He laughed before opening the door to the library "who am I going to tell?" he chuckled, letting Maddi walk in first 

They walked into a secluded part of the library where the potions books where. She first seen Cedric sitting at a table, his back to her, alone like he liked it, he was trying to pass off like he was revising, yet she seen him writing on a piece of parchment from behind him. She ran up and hugged him from behind, kissing his neck "hey you" she smiled 

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