Last Chance

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Cedric and Harry looked at each other in shock and fear just before running through his bedroom door, to find the worst thing that could ever be found at that moment...

"Don't tell me thats what I think it is" Cedric took the folded piece of parchment from her hand "That son of a-" before he could even finish the phrase, he'd swung around the door and headed for the common room. "JEREMY!" he screamed at the top of his lungs "I'll fucking kill you!"

Jeremy, who was lying on the couch in the common room, suddenly sprang up "yeah?" Ever since his and Cedrics talk on the grounds, Jeremy was too scared to even breath wrong in front of Cedric.

"what the fuck is that?" he questioned as the threw the scrunched up piece of paper towards him

"a piece of parchment?" Simon Leefolt laughed 

Jeremy quickly spun his head round to his friend and shook his head "don't" he whispered

Cedric stared at Simon with a look of death "Sorry" the boy quickly cowered down 

"I fucking warned you" Cedric angrily laughed "well... you were warned" he shrugged before heading to the door of the common room 

"No, no, no, no" Jeremy sprang to his feet, ignoring the confused faces of Maddi and the others, plus the whole common room that were staring at him

Cedric turned back "I said today was the deadline, that meant to tell Dumbledore, not to send another one out" 

Jeremys mouth open and shut for a moment "Look, I didn't mean it, I had them rigged so that they send out whenever I'm jealous or angry" 

Cedric just shrugged before he continued to walk down into the great hall. The others followed in suit.

"ATTENTION" He shouted, getting the majority of the school to look at him, as not everyone was at dinner yet "AS YOU KNOW, SOMEONE HAS BEEN SPREADING THINGS ABOUT ME AND MY GIRLFRIEND" Maddi felt butterflies in her stomach whenever he called her that "THAT PERSON IS-"

before he could say Jeremys name, Umbridge had butted in "Mr Diggory" she stood up and walked towards him "I must insist-"

"NO!" he shouted, "NO! you're not fucking doing this to me, okay? I refuse, this has tortured me and my girlfriend for months!" he screamed at her "So I'm doing this, right here and right now" he stood up on the table "JEREMY HULL!" he shouted "COME ON, MATE, SHOW YOURSELF"

Everyone gasped. The whole room went silent as everybody looked around to find Jeremy. The whole hall looked around at the Hufflepuff table until they found him, just as he walked through the door "I can explain-" he announced to everybody

"YOU FUCKING TWAT" A voice rose from the Ravenclaw table with Charlie standing up "JEREMY!" he shouted "I'm going to kill you" he said whilst walking over to the great hall doors

Maddi thought it to be a smart idea that she went over and stopped Charlie from killing his brother, after all, she wanted to have the pleasure of doing that "No, Charlie, no" she pushed him back.

The whole hall erupted in loud screams. Over anything, the gasps of disbelief. "But wasn't he his best friend?" said a Ravenclaw in Maddis year "Shes best friends with his brother!" Someone gasped in disbelief 

While everyone was distracted with thinking of different theories and different ways of trying to find a way to believe what they'd heard, nobody was paying enough attention to Charlie until they heard a loud 'SMACK' from the group. Everyone looked over to see him on the floor, with Ron standing over him 

"Bloody twat" he spat before crouching down "ever go near my sister again and I swear to Merlin, I'll end you." he wiped the spit from the side of his lip and walked away. Leaving everyone in shock

"RON!" Maddi screamed "no" she chased after him "Bad dog." she smacked him upside the head.

Dumbledore stood and held his wand to his throat "SILENCE" he yelled, just like he had last year at the name reveal "Ronald Weasley, Maddison Weasley, Cedric Diggory and Charlie Hull, I am expecting you to be in the office in the next five minutes" he walked behind his chair

George could've sworn he seen Dumbledore pass McGonagall five galleons before walking away "slick bastard" he smirked at Fred

"He had the better idea" he chuckled and rolled his eyes 

The four names who'd been called walked out of the great hall and towards his office "I'm gonna end you." Ron whispered to Jeremy.


They never told anybody what got said in the office, however, everyone knew one thing, Jeremy stayed in school. However, it wasn't easy for any of them. Everywhere he went, Jeremy was called a 'perv' or a 'twat'. The slaughter of Maddi and Cedric hadn't stopped tho, there was still taunting in the halls or in classes.

It was the end of the school year now, and nobody was sure what was going to happen next year with the twins and Cedric gone. Jeremy was leaving too, but everybody still knew what what had happened in their lives. They knew one thing for sure, it was not going to get better. Harry and Fred had been fully forgiven by both Cedric and Maddi, all was kind of back to normal, well, as normal as things could be at that point

"I'm gonna miss these shitty dorms" Fred sighed as he packed his belongings away 

"No, you're not" Maddi laughed from beside him 

"Yeah.... I'm really not" he smiled as he looked back at Maddi 

"How could you leave us?!" Ginny gasped "now whos going to piss us off and ruin our classes?" she laughed

Maddi raised her hand and looked to her sister "Well... me" she smiled 

"oh, great" she rolled her eyes and smirked

Harry was sitting on Freds bed, his legs dangling off of the edge "Can't you guys just stay on?" he asked, in the saddest voce anyone had ever heard him use "you failed your exams, it won't be that bad for you to join Maddis year and actually pass" he looked at Fred 

Fred looked back at him "cheeky get" he smirked "I don't need any fucking exams to open my own shop" he smiled 

"'yours'" George swung his head around and seemed offended 

"Sorry, ours" Fred corrected himself 

"Georgie..." Oliver walked into the room "I have the chance to become a professional" he gave a letter to George who quickly read it 

"WHAT?!" he shouted in excitement "OLLI.... THATS AMAZING!" he ran to his boyfriend and hugged him, lifting him off the floor 

Oliver was basically jumping with excitement and everyone else wasn't far behind. A loud burst of "well dones" and "congrats" and "Well, don't get hit with the bludger again" were heard from his friends 

"So? Twins are opening the shop, Olivers becoming a professional player, whats your plans, Cedric?" Ginny smiled at him 

"I'm gonna be an auror" he smiled "Stop, he who must not be named, for good" he had a sense of pride in his voice

"You all have your fucking life sorted then theres me" Maddi laughed 

"Mads... you have a year yet, don't stress" George hugged her "Plus, could always use an extra set of hands at the shop" he smiled

"I'd rather set myself on fire and marry Umbridge then be stuck with you two again" Maddi rolled her eyes "I love you two, dearly, but Merlin, no!" she looked to Fred "you'd be stressful and I'd hit you both.... a lot" 

"Thanks" the twins said in unison with a hint of offense in the voices 

"Any time" she grinned back at them 


(This is the end of Pretty Boy Diggory, I have to end it here, I have school, and work, and I'm already working on a new story. I love you all, thank you so much for the support! Please read my new story when it comes out, its about my main man Robert Pattinson or another one about the marauders - tell me which one you want more! <3)

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