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Maddi woke up the next morning, somehow tangled in Kaylees arms who seemed to wake up the same time as her "oh" Maddi chuckled "Sorry" she collected herself and looked at the blonde girl who lay opposite her 

Kaylee chuckled and shook her head "you had your tongue down my throat last night and you're apologising for being asleep on me?" she laughed, brushing some hair out of her own face, Maddi couldn't help but find her attractive "How'd you sleep?" she asked, rolling onto her back, looking at the ceiling 

Maddi looked over to the boys who were still sleeping, looking like they were in no pain or danger, making her nerves relax "Good, I was just a little worried about the boys but I'm good, you?" She smiled, looking over at the blonde once more 

Kaylee turned to face her "Good, thank you" she smiled "Listen, if last night made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry" she smiled 

Maddi felt her face grow warm with a red blush "no, of course not, Ced was just being cocky, didn't make you uncomfortable did it?" she shot a glance at her

"hhmm, let me think? I'm a lesbian and was kissed by a pretty girl and got to annoy Cedric, no, of course you never" she laughed

The two girls heard a groan from the boys bed "Cedric, get your hands off of my face you muppet" Harry groaned at the sleeping Cedric "oh fuck this, I'm up-" he sat up and looked over at the two girls "Morning, I'm going to get in with Fred" he mumbled, heading to the door

Maddi finally stopped herself from laughing "Just- don't wake him or George up and you should be good" she giggled, seeing the messy haired Harry stumble out of the room, she then turned to face Kaylee "I'm gonna go get in with Ced" she smiled, swinging her legs over the side of the bed 

Kaylee propped herself up and her elbows and turned to face her "okay, I'm going to see if your mum needs any help in the kitchen" She smiled "See you soon" she got up and walked out of the bedroom door, leaving only Maddi and Cedric in the room once more. She climbed into bed with him and gently shook him "Ced, wake up" she whispered to him. No response, she gently kissed his lips, putting her hands on his chest

The toffee haired boy fluttered his eyes open, seeing Maddi beside him, he pulled her into him "Morning, beautiful" he whispered, placing another kiss on her lips 

She giggled into the short kiss before he pulled away "Morning, handsome" she laughed, moving his hair out of his face "Merry Christmas eve eve" she smiled 

Cedric exhaled a laugh, rolling his eyes "Swear you love Christmas more then me" he pouted, causing Maddi to pull him into a kiss before moving away to speak

"nope, you're just a little better" she giggled "Now, come on, lets go downstairs" she tugged at his hand in attempt to get him up

Cedric gave a faint chuckle "I uh- I'll meet you down there" he smiled, fixing himself on the bed, propping himself up on his elbows 

Maddi grew a smile on her face, she knew exactly what was going on "Whys that? just come down with me" she laughed, trying her hardest to hide the fact that she knew 

"Madds" he smiled "the only way I'll be able to go down with you" he nodded "Is if you go down on me" he laughed at his own words 

Maddi rolled her eyes "charming" she teased, making Cedric flash his cocky smile and wink  

"only telling the truth, love, otherwise, I'll meet you down there" he went back on the words he'd say a few sentences before "Now, choice is yours, I don't want you to feel pressured" he shrugged 

Maddi smiled to herself before grabbing her wand "muffliato" she giggled before locking the door as well "Now what kind of girlfriend would I be if I left you to take care of yourself" she smiled sweetly before kissing him deeply

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