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The group were on the train ride back to Hogwarts. Fred and Harry were still avoiding each other, after he stormed out, Cedric managed to get him to agree to stay at the order for Christmas, yet the tension could've been cut with a knife. They avoided eye contact, speaking to each other, they wouldn't even sit opposite each other. 

Fred stormed into the cabin that him and the others were going to spend the ride, he'd done that a lot recently. Stomped everywhere. "Fucking ridiculous" he grunted as he sat himself down with a thud, he'd been in a worse mood since boxing day when Harry got a chain off of Draco with the initials 'D.M' engraved, Fred had planned on giving him a Gryffindor ring, instead he gave it to Ron, Harry was going to give him Fred a black leather bracelet with 'Weasley' carved in, however, Ron got that too "now he's going to be all over Malfoy" he huffed 

George sat down next to him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder "It'll be alright, mate" he reassured him "he'll come around" he nodded 

Fred looked over at Maddi and Cedric "I don't get how you forgave her for cheating several times when she almost broke off your non relationship over some letters, but he can't look past me kissing someone when we were just flirting" he spat. He felt awful for mentioning it, but he had to, he didn't understand "I mean, just saying Ced, if it was me in your position, and she'd fucked two of my best friends and cheated numerus times, I wouldn't have went back" he chuckled sarcastically before he realised. Cedric didn't know what happened in January. 'shit' he thought, he went to speak once more but his brain wouldn't let him

Cedric had moved his arm from around Maddis shoulder "I'm sorry-" he chuckled, just as Fred had "you uh- you slept with two of my best friends?" Maddi shot a glare at Fred "I knew about one, I knew about Ernest" the pain was clear in his voice "Who else?" he wasn't looking at her anymore. Lee was looking around in confusion, he had no clue what was happening, Oliver was cringing on the other side of Fred, George was looking like he'd seen a murder run at him with a gun and Fred was sitting with his mouth hung open "WHO THE FUCK IS IT?" he screamed in frustration

Maddi was startled by his outburst "I-" she didn't want to tell him, she couldn't "Cedric, I-" he looked at her. The tears in his eyes had already began to stream down his face "Jeremy" she muttered, he shook his head in denial, it couldn't have been him "Jeremy Hull" she looked at him, tears down her face too "It was in January!" she defended "Before we were even a thing, it was a year ago, Cedric, you were with Cho!" 

Cedric stood up, he was shaking "He was my best friend, he was like my brother, and- and you liked me and he knew I liked you and you still-" he couldn't bring himself to finish his sentence "I'm done" he muttered "We're uh- we're over" he sobbed, the pain in his voice now dominant. With his last sentence he'd walked out of the compartment they were sat in 

Maddi turned to Fred, her face and eyes bright red with sadness, fear and anger "YOU COMPLETE DICK!" she screamed at him "WHAT? THINGS AREN'T GOING WELL FOR YOU AND HARRY SO YOU FUCK MY RELATIONSHIP UP?!" Fred tried to speak but was stopped once again by Maddi "YOU KNEW HE NEVER KNEW ABOUT THAT!" 

Fred stood up, matching Maddi "I'M SORRY! I CLEARLY NEVER FUCKING MEANT IT!" he shouted back

A bunch of screams and cheers were heard from the hallway, were now visible crowds had formed. Out of curiosity, the five who were left in the compartment ran out of the door to see a gang of people, it almost looked like the full train, gathered in a circle with something happening in the middle. The twins pushed past so they could all see what was happening. Then Maddi seen, she seen what was happening.

Jeremy Hull was on the floor, Cedric straddling his chest, throwing repeated punches at his face which, just like Cedrics knuckles, were covered in blood "CEDRIC!" Maddi screamed, causing the angry Hufflepuff to look up, meeting her eyes, he climbed from on top of Jeremy chest and walked away

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