The Piercings

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Maddi and Cedric arrived at her room shortly after they left "Hello people who do not sleep in here" she laughed 

The others all shouted their hellos, turning to see them both "you two alright?" Ginny smiled

Maddi took hold of Cedrics hand "Never better, Gin" she smiled, waiting for Cedric to sit down so she would sit on his knee "so, what you all up to?" she smiled again from Cedrics knee 

Oliver spoke up from Georges knee "Well, nothing really, we're just talking, gossiping" he nodded

Cedric smirked to himself "Fred, Harry, anything to share?" he looked at the secret couple

Harry had his head  leant back on Freds shoulder, sitting bridal style on his knee. Freds hands were supporting his back. Freds face was buried on the inside of Harrys neck "uh, yeah, actually" Harry smiled, lacing his fingers through the older boys 

Fred smiled, lifting his head up "We're official" he smiled, placing a kiss on the dark haired boys cheek

The two boys seen their friends smiling, making wider smiles appear on both their faces "so, when was this then?" George was basically shaking with excitement, he was the first person to know Fred liked Harry, he heard him mumbling something in his sleep over the summer when he was the only one of the three boys awake, then of course, he told Cedric

Harry went red as he tried his hardest not to laugh, meanwhile, Fred was being....well, himself, to be honest "Well, I'd just railed the fuck out of him" He began, somehow making Harry go even redder "then I asked him" he smiled, kissing the boy who was as red as mars, on the cheek

Hermione let out a faint chuckle "Charming" she sarcastically chuckled "absolutely charming" 

Harry looked over at Cedric after he'd calmed down, he said he depended on the potion, yet was showing no signs of with drawl symptoms. No shaking, no sweating, no being on edge, no teeth chattering. Nothing. "Ced, help me get the crate of fire whiskey from mine and Rons room, please?" he smiled

Cedric stood up "Sure" he shrugged, following Cedric out of the room, looking back and laughing at something Lee had said 

When they were far enough away from Maddisons room, Harry stopped walking "I thought you said you were going to stop?" He questioned him, however it came out as more if a statement 

Cedric looked at the younger boy "Listen, Harry, I-" he felt himself about to cry, but stopped himself "I am, okay? Just gonna take some time" he smiled "Can't go off right away, gotta wean myself off" he nodded 

Harry looked up at him "Okay, thats the only thing you're having a problem with though, right?" he questioned "No other drugs or anything?" he smirked as he opened his bedroom door 

Cedrics expressions changed to confused "No, why?" he questioned, stepping into Harrys room after him 

Harry looked back at him from where he was now on the floor "well" he began, passing him the case of fire whiskey from under the bed "I have" he reached back under, pulling a medium sized bag with white powder out "a gift from the twins here" he smirked "They asked me to bring it back with us" he chuckled, standing up with help from Cedric 

The older boy smiled and nodded his head "finally" he chuckled, taking the bag off of Harry and placing it on top of the crate of fire whiskey "What you doing?" He chuckled, looking down at Harry who was still under the bed 

The younger boy looked up at him, standing to the floor "Had to put the floor boards back, ya nob" he chuckled, taking the bag off of Cedric, putting it in his pocket, then trying to take the crate, however, Cedric wouldn't let him 

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