Chapter 32, Vsegda i navsegda (всегда и навсегда)

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Hi everyone, here's a new chapter. Sorry it took so long but it's here, hope you enjoy this one. Please leave a review about your thoughts or send me a message. I really love hearing from you.

Yours truly

— Lovetwist



Finally they would get to go home.

Dimitri watched as Rosetried to put one of his large hoodies on, struggling to pull it over her head with a cast on her right wrist. She looked so tired Dimitri just wanted to hold her until she was all healed, but she was far too independent. Dimitri continued watching her with a faint smile on his face and hands in his pockets, with a sigh of defeat Roseturned her tired eyes to him in question.

Pushing off the wall he walked towards the tiny, bruised woman standing in front of him "here, let me do that" Dimitri pulled the hoodie over her head and pulled in down, he was so much larger than her that the hoodie fel to the knees.

"Tired moya lyubov?"

Rose's head fell onto his chest and her body slumped from exhaustion "I just want to go home" her hands wrapped around her middle, instinctively protecting the little bean forming inside her womb.

"Want me to carry you out?" that brought a scowl to her face as her head tilted back to look him in the eye

"Absolutely not Dimitri Alexander Belikov" Dimitri chuckled deeply at her response but nodded, knowing exactly what her reaction was going to be

"Alright, I'll get the nurse and have her bring a wheelchair for you"

"Do I have to, it's embarrassing"

"Hospital policy, Rose. besides you need to take it easy, not only for you lyubimyy" Dimitri nodded towards her abdomen "there are two of you now that I need to keep healthy and safe." gripping the sides of her face he brought his face down until their eyes met "please Rose, for me"

"Alright, go get that stupid chair then" Rose huffed avoiding his eyes like the plague.

"I'll be right back" Dimitri kissed her forehead and headed to the nurses station.

There was a young nurse sitting behind a computer screen, when he approached her eyes half heartedly, until she fully comprehended who was standing in front of her.

"Mr. Belikov, is everything alright?"

"Everything is perfect, I need a wheelchair, I'm taking her home"

"Of course, I'll bring it right to you" 

A few moments later, she appeared with a wheelchair. Dimitri smiled at the thought of Rose's scowl when he would roll the chair into her room, as he took a hold of it and thanked the nurse for her assistance.

Dimitri halted in the doorway, watching as Rose tried to pile her hair on top of her head one handed and tired. She turned around when he chuckled at her, scowling as he knew she would at the sight of the chair.

"I hate this" She sounded defeated rather than in pain

"I know Milaya moya, It's almost over" walking to her side he ran his fingers through her hair starting at the back of her head through to the ends, enjoying her sigh of pleasure, then twisting it in the way he had watched her do multiple times and piling it on top of her head

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