Chapter 7, Club

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I am so so sorry for being away for so long 

*gets down on knees and begs for forgiveness* 

I love you all so much please don't hate me! 

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Rose's POV

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Rose's POV

Club Zmey is where we're celebrating Chloe's 23rd birthday. Chloe, Lissa and I have been friends since high school and nothing has ever come between us, not even the fact that Chloe is currently engaged to my brother Ian, infact I think I couldn't be happier for them. Sarah, Cameron's girlfriend is the newest member of our group which I think is great.

I can feel the thumping of the beat running up and down my body even from the outside of the club when we step out of the car and make our way to the club entrance, where 'Big Joe' the bouncer stands in all his 6'7 glory, in all black and a no nonsense look on his face. Club Zmey is one of the most successful clubs in the city and the line to get in is so long you can't even see where it ends. Lucky for us we can walk right in.

"Good evening Big Joe, how've you been?"

"Evening miss Mazur, Ladies. I've been good thank you. Karen just gave birth to a healthy baby girl and I just got a raze, so I can't complain"

Big Joe has been working as a bouncer for us for around fifteen years and he's a big ol' teddy bear once you get around his though man demeanour and find his fluffy side. Big Joe lets us right in and we hear a couple of 'Oh come on' and a few 'really dude' from the people in line by the door. I turn to the girls and we just laugh, kissing Big Joe on the cheek as we walk past him.

The club is darkly lit apart from the pink and green lights lighting up the dance floor where people are all grinding against each other and dancing their hearts out to the loud beat off the music. We all take a hand each and dance our way to the middle of the dance floor.

"I'm gonna go get us some drinks I'll be right back"

I shout over the music and the girls give me big smiles and nods after about an hour of dancing and sweating some liquid is much needed.

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