Chapter 11

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Back and I am alive. I've had major writers block and i'm not sure how well this chapter came out but I wanted to update for you guys and thank you for sticking with me.  And being patient I love you all <3 

This chapter is very unedited and it's like 00:30 right now and i'm about to go to bed. So enjoy and tell me what you think :D 

Love you my lovelies :D Vote and Comment it means alot to know you like my work :D 

Over and out ! 


Her head was bandaged and she was sleeping soundly. It had been a very long time since Christian had, had a woman in his bed for more than a quick fuck. His brothers thought he hadn't been with a woman for a few years and at this moment he wished it were true. He would have liked to have waited for the beautiful platinum blond laying in his bed.

Lissa was just his type, tall and slim, with big green eyes and a smile that could brighten anybody's day, even his. He wasn't a cold hearted bastard when it came to Lissa, he liked making her smile and the way she had blushed when he kissed her in front of her apartment, that had made his week.

When he followed Dimitri into Rose's apartment he hadn't realized how serious things were, sure he had heard Rose scream and Dimitri was on his feet in mere seconds, running out the door like his ass was on fire. However when he saw Lissa lying unconscious, with a bloody Rose stroking her head he knew things were beyond bad. He never took Rose for a scary woman, but the look in her eye was murderous. He did not want to be at the other end of that woman's rage.

Movement from the bed caught his attention. Lissa was turning on her side when she whimpered in pain, her head had a large bump already forming and she looked even paler than she had when they first met and she had been pale then. Christian walked towards his bed, placing a glass of water and painkillers on the bedside table. Then he squatted by her head, placing a hand on her head, stroking it lightly as those jade green eyes opened slowly and gazed up at him, her eyes showed both confusion and a hint of relief.

"Hi" Lissa smiled at him her voice hoarse

"Hi" he couldn't help but smile himself

"How are you feeling?" Lissa sighed and tried to sit up, it was a struggle until Christian sat on the bed and helped her up, placing a pillow behind her back, making her as comfortable as possible.

"My head hurts, and it's not from a hangover" Christian gave a little laugh at that and placed a hand on her thigh.

"No, not a hangover princess. Any dizziness or nausea?" slowly shaking her head, Lissa hissed at the sudden sharp sting radiating through her head. Christian didn't like seeing her in pain, it made his heart ache a little watching her, an ache he wasn't familiar with.

"You okay?" Christian's voice sounded strangled as he squeezed her thigh and steadying her. Lissa's face was all scrunched up in pain when he head made contact with the beds headboard.

Taking in a deep breath she opened her eyes again and locked eyes with the man sitting in front of her. Like the few times she'd met him before he took her breath away. He was the most handsome man she had ever seen. He was all serious when they had been in public but he'd changed when he'd kissed her. At the thought she touched her lips remembering how soft his had been, her cheeks blushed as she smiled at him shrugged her shoulders and played with her fingers in her lap.

"Yes, thank you. A little hungry maybe."

"We can fix that" Christian smiled and stroked her cheek with his thumb "Rose and Dimitri should be up by now. If he'll let her out of bed that is" he shook his head and smirked a little knowing how territorial his friend was when it came to the woman he loved. Yes, even if Dimitri wouldn't admit it to himself Christian knew he loved her.

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