Chapter 3, Lapdog!

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I'm so sorry it took me so long to post this chapter, but school has been going crazy. But here it is :D Thank you guys for voting and following this story. Please tell me what you think it's really helpful and If you have any ideas or comments on anything please tell me. 



Abe's POV

"Janine, would you please hurry up dear. We can't be late" Forty minutes since she said five minutes and I'm still waiting. 

"Ibrahim, do not rush me. You know perfection takes time" I hear the slight annoyance in her voice making her Scottish accent a tad thicker, I chuckle under my breath and shout back at her 

"You are always perfect dear. Fully dressed or not" I hear her snort and then the subtle click of her heels traveling down the stairs. I get up from my seat in the sofa and button my tux jacket walking to the stairs to greet her.

She is holding up her beautiful green dress, exposing the dark green heels she has laced around her ankles. Then my eyes travel up her body to her angelic face, and that fiery red hair, which she has pinned at the back of her head only a few curly lock escaping the bun and framing her face. And that smile plastered on her face just lights up my world, she has lined her eyes with a thin line of eyeliner and her lips are red.

She makes her way downstairs and I reach out to take her hand in mine and help her down the last few steps before wrapping my arms around her waist, surprising her, and kissing her softly

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She makes her way downstairs and I reach out to take her hand in mine and help her down the last few steps before wrapping my arms around her waist, surprising her, and kissing her softly. "You look absolutely Perfect." I peck her blushing cheek "As always" the smile on her face is what I live for. I tuck her hand into the crook of my arm and pat it lightly "All set dear?" She slings her little purse on her shoulder and gives me a warm smile "Ibrahim?"

"Yes dear" she turns to me and adjusts my bowtie "You look very handsome tonight" then she pecks my lips and we make our way to the car.


Natasha's POV - (Phone call)


'Hello Tasha, will I be seeing you tonight?'

'Of course we are just about to leave. Dimitri is finishing some work and then we'll be on our way'

'Good, I can't wait to get my hands on you. Does he suspect anything?'

'No, he would have blown up by now if he knew what I - we - are doing when he's at work. Not that he pays any attention to me anymore.'

'That's why you have me sweetpea, and I promise, that tonight all my attention will be on you and that amazing ass of yours'

'Good, I need you so bad right now. I'll see you in a bit. I love you'

'And I you'


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