Chapter 10, Tattoos

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Translations at the bottom and more.

(This is more of a filler chapter.)


Dimitri had never been this angry in his life, he had never wanted to harm a human being as much as he wanted to harm or even kill Adrian right at this moment. His Roza lay asleep in his bed at Ivan's compound, She was almost bare from the waist down apart from her small panties, and Dimitri had had to take off her blood soaked clothes and instead he had dressed her in one of his long sleeved shirts. Dimitri noticed that as she slept she kept on pulling his shirt to her nose as if she was inhaling his scent for comfort.

Dimitri smiled a little at the sight despite his anger and he stroked a piece of hair away from her face only to see a slight frown in place of her beautiful smile and furrowed brows instead of her smooth forehead. He didn't like the thought of his Roza frowning and he had a sneaky suspicion that she was remembering the night before, and his anger only grew to the point of boiling. He had to do something, and he had to do it now, s-while she slept peacefully and safely in his bed and in his room, where he knew no one would dare to enter.

After placing a hand on her cheek and kiss on her head, Dimitri pulled the cover over her body and left the room with one thought in his mind. Torture. He was not going to let Adrian get away with this, sleeping with his wife was one thing but laying a hand on his Roza or any woman for that matter was an unforgivable act. He had always been thought that women were the center of life, they were the heart of every family and they were to be respected by men and other women alike.

Dimitri did not tolerate violence against those who could not protect themselves. No man in Ivan's Bratva was allowed to harm a woman or a child. The men in the Bratva were thieves, murderers and dangerous in every way but they followed a set of rules. If broken they could be punishable by lower rankings, banishment or in worst cases execution.

As Dimitri walked down the hallway leading to the basement he thought of all the things he could and would do to the man who hurt his woman. Dimitri had been willing to let him be despite his actions entailing his wife but now. Now, The Dimitri Adrian knew was gone and The Reaper had taken his place.

As Dimitri came closer to the doors that led to the basement he saw that the hallway was lined on both sides with his brothers. They might be criminals but they were loyal to the bone and they protected those who had a place among them, and since Rose was his, she was from this moment forward one of them. They were her brothers now and she their sister, they would stick by her till death.

Giving them all silent nods Dimitri opened the door and took a step inside. The first thing Dimitri saw was Viktor and Sergei standing by an unconscious Adrian sitting in a chair with his head hanging and his eyes covered shut with a cloth of black silk tied behind his head.

Dimitri didn't like loose ends or unnecessary messiness, therefore every time he had to do get his message across so up close and personal he kept his work clean and quick. But this time it was different.

Grabbing a chair from one end of the room Dimitri placed it right across from where Adrian was. In a slow calculating manner Dimitri took off his suit jacket and laid it across the chairs back, then he took off his cufflinks one at a time placing them on the table at one end of the room and folded up his sleeves to reach his elbow. Taking in the objects on the table before him, he then grabbed the leather gloves in the right corner of the table and placed them on his hands stretching out his fingers and cracking his knuckles, enjoying the sound of the leather scrunching as he flexed his fingers.

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