Chapter 34, Oh, Cruel fate.

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- Lovetwist 



Six months pregnant Rose looked better than she could ever have hoped for, since the loss of her first child everything kept her on edge when Dimitri left her on her own for more than an hour. She knew she had nothing to worry about since she had moved into the mansion for the time being. Rose loved living in the mansion, not only due to the security but because she was surrounded by her second family.

Entering the store Rose made a b-line, albeit a waddling b-line, to the candy aisle, her cravings had been mild but the need for chocolate was hitting her like a bus. While Dimitri walked a few steps behind her as they walked through the store, Rose had wanted some chocolate donuts right that minute and started tearing up when Dimitri said it was not a good time to go to the store because there were so many people around at this time. So Rose hugged herself and hung her head low murmuring a low 'Okay', hearing that one sound he'd agreed to take her to the store.

Vlad and Boris were always one step behind him, all three of them scanning their surroundings and Rose not giving a damn about anything but her chocolate donuts. Her bump was more prominent under her dress and she had never felt better about herself. Rose scanned the top shelves until she found her donuts. She was about to reach for a box when a man ran into her with the words "Watch it lady!" coming out as a grunt

Her balance faltered, she almost hit the ground with a cry when Dimitri's strong arm wrapped around her waist pulling her into his body steadying her. In the next moment all three men had their guns pointed to the man's head with their safety unlocked and their fingers on the trigger.

"Say that again and there will be a bullet in your skull!" Boris growled at the man who stood wide eyed staring between all three men, he looked like a man who normally wouldn't take shit from anyone but any man would break under the barrel of a gun to their head

"S-sorry" he stuttered standing utterly silent

"Don't apologize to us you uncivilized ape! She's the pregnant woman you pushed to the ground" Vlad grunted narrowing his eyes a little more "Apologize to her" Boris growled gesturing in Rose's direction

The man's blue eyes were filled with terror as he turned his gaze towards Rose, who stood clutched in Dimitri's arms with tears in her eyes "I'm so sorry Ma'am, I didn't mean to bump into you. It won't happen again"

"Damn right it won't" Vlad grunted again pushing the man away and reupholstering his gun. With terror written all over his face the man ran as fast as he could out of the store and didn't stop.

After a few moments of Dimitri reassuring Rose that she was alright and looked beautiful despite the light tear stains on her face, they got her donuts and left with a happy Rose in the backseat chomping down on her donuts, using her belly as a table for the box.


Two and a half months later, Rose along with her mother and mother-in-law were shopping for the nursery, when Rose suddenly became quiet and stopped walking. Janine looked at her daughter seeing her terrified eyes as they stared at the wet floor under her feet.

Everything happened so fast, as Janine and Olena rushed her to the car, While Vlad attempted to call his brother and Dimitri, while he drove them to the hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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