Chapter 21, Twiddle Dumb and Twiddle Dee

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Twiddle Dumb and Twiddle Dee


Rose and Lissa had been sitting bathing in the sun for a little over four hours, they had made it to the resort and we're really enjoying their time together. It had been a while since it had just been the two of them, Rose had almost forgotten how nice it was just to be in each other's company.

Rose realized just then that she had been spending almost her entire time with Dimitri from the moment they started seeing each other. She was a little ashamed of neglecting her friend and her job for that matter. Sure she continued with her cases but she hadn't taken on any new ones and she could almost feel it eating at her insides.

"Rose?" Lissa brought her out of her own confused mind


"Are you alright? You seem a little bit distracted"

"Have I been a bad friend to you?" Rose Questioned as she turned towards her friend

"Of  Course not, why would you think that?"

"I've been spending so much time with Dimitri that I've completely left you out." Rose was so ashamed of herself.

"Rose, I'm a grown woman. It's not like I can't be by myself for a few weeks. Besides I haven't been by myself the entire time. Christian has been keeping me company." Lissa's cheeks were flaming red and she was avoiding Rose's eyes.

Rose gave her a big smile "I'm really happy for you Lissa, As long as he's good to you I'm happy."

"He's the best Rose. He's so sweet to me, he might look like a thug but he's anything but. And his cooking is amazing. Maybe you and Dimitri can come over sometime for Dinner, I mean they are like brothers."

"I miss him already Lissa, It's so weird being away from him, even though we haven't been dating that long. Ugh god I sound like such a girl." Rose covered her face with her hands in embarrassment, While Lissa laughed her sweet laugh at her best friend

"I like you like this Rose, I think you're finally going to be happy and it's about time too. You deserve everything good after all you've been through."

As Rose thought over Lissa's words she saw something at the corner of her eye, something watching her, or someone, and that someone was very familiar. Vlad. Rose saw the moment Vlad knew he had been spotted, his face was apologetic and he gave a small smile. Rose was caught off guard for a second she didn't think she'd ever seen Vlad smile.

Shaking it off, Rose stood up from her extremely comfortable chair and stomped her way towards Vlad who was now speaking on the phone, most likely warning Dimitri. She was going to kill him.

"Vladimir. What the hell are you doing here?" Rose growled at the man in front of her, who didn't seem to mind her growling.

"Boss's orders little lady, I'm just keeping you safe."

"From what, Vlad?"

"Anything and everything"

"I'm going to kill him" Rose stated seriously, Vlad just chuckled "If anyone could it would be you"

Rose rolled her eyes before stating "Where is twiddle dee, Where you are Boris is. So where is he?"

Another Apologetic smile stretched over Vlad's face, resulting in Rose giving him one of her death glares "Vlad. Where is he?"

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