Chapter 31, Repercussions.

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Dimitri smiled as his soon to be ex wife stared at him in pure terror. The bullet had flown right by her ear, he knew she had felt the bullet go past her and it had served its purpose.

"You see Natasha, I'm not the man you think I am." Dimitri spoke calmly, placing the gun on the cold steel table, then he removed his blood stained gloves and wiped the blood off his face with a cloth from the pocket of his jacket.

"Sign the papers. I won't tell you again." His face was hard and his voice colder than it had ever been.

Dimitri left her hanging naked by her hands, bloody and frightened as she watched him open the door and call for one of his men to come closer. "Get her down and cleaned off, I'll leave some papers on the table by the stairs. Have her sign them or she doesn't leave. Understand ?"


"Good man" Dimitri gave him a nod, then he left without a second glance towards his wife. This was the last time he would see her and it was a relief knowing he wouldn't have to deal with her or her problems any longer, faking a pregnancy to get him to stay. Dimitri had known from the start she wasn't pregnant, she was far too selfish to have children, and cared far too much about her appearance to even consider carrying one.

Dimitri left the dark basement, finding his way to his room. He needed to clean off before he could go back to Rose's side, she knew what he did, but that didn't mean she needed to see the blood on him, or the hospital staff for that matter.

His brows furrowed at the thought of his woman laying in a hospital bed, she needed to be home in their bed. Only theirs. He needed to talk to Rose about a place of their own, unless she wanted him to move into her apartment, he would. He would do anything she wanted him to do.

The shower he took was short but refreshing, a row of suits were equally spaced in the closet, his weird obsession with having things in order. Quickly he threw on one of many black suits, he left the tie off, if he had to carry his woman he wouldn't want her to get tangled in the tie.

Finally dressed, shaved and sprayed with Rose's favorite scent, he left the room and made his way down the hallway into the lobby. He made it to the bottom of the stairs when he almost, almost, lost his step when a tall blonde, Lissa, he realised came barreling into him like a mad woman.

"oh, I'm so sorry Mr. Belikov" She smiled shyly at him, as he gripped her shoulders, steadying her until she got her footing back to normal.

"Please, call me Dimitri, remember'' Dimitri gave her one of his rare smiles. He liked her, not only was she Rose's best friend but she was Christians woman, or would be soon at least. He could tell she was a kind person, she had that kind of air around her. She was good for Christian, she would keep him down to earth, he needed to be tamed. As much as she could at least.

"Yes, of course. How are you?" Lissa smiled

"Good, and you? I haven't seen you around here for sometime "

"I was with my mom, my sister was in some trouble and they needed my help" She just shrugged

"Anything I can help you with?"

"No, but thank you Christian has been very kind to me, and helped me a few days ago."

"That's good, If there is anything you need or can't get a hold of Christian, you can always speak to me and I'll either help you or atleast find Christian for you"

"Thank you Dimitri, that means a lot." Lissa went quiet for a few seconds as she studied him "you're good for her"

"And she is for me" Dimitri smiled wider just thinking of her. He gave her a nod, then he left the mansion and headed to the hospital, preparing to take his fianceé home.

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