Chapter 18 Neverending hunger

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Hello my lovelies, I have come back to life, I am so sorry for the long waiting. Here is a new chapter, not my best one but it'll do. Thank you all so much for sticking with me and kicking me in the ass with all the wonderful reviews telling me to get on with it :D Hope you like it, if not please keep it to yourself unless you have constructive criticism and you genuinely want to help me. :D

Anyway enjoy the reading, leave a review with your wonderful and motivating thoughts,




She was pissed off, tired and horny. This man standing in front of her somehow managed to make her all these things with in a few seconds. Here she was going crazy furious with him, all the men in the house and herself. Yet the only thing running through her head was, why was she so fucking horny right now?

"I'm sorry?" Dimitri's words infuriated her even more. This was a smart man and yet he could be so fucking stupid at times. How the hell could he not see that she was desperately in need of him to take his damned clothes off.

"You heard me, take them off and get on the bed. I'm not going to say it again" her voice was firm and demanding.

"Yes, ma'am" Dimitri's grin stretched across his face as he ripped of his tie and didn't stop undressing until only his socks were left. He wasn't thinking the socks would stay on was he?

Dimitri sat at the edge of the bed grinning like a child, watching her as she glared his way. Her glare having no effect on him whatsoever he was only looking forward to what was to come.

"You can't be serious? Take off the fucking socks Dimitri Belikov" Rose growled angrily at him from the edge of the bed

In three quick movements Dimitri ripped of his socks throwing them across the room, and practically flung himself onto the bed. No sooner than his ass meet the mattress Rose came flying in his direction with a hungry gaze.

Straddling him quickly she grabbed his jaw in a strong grip, pulling his face towards hers and kissing the ever loving life out of him. His lips were so soft and juicy, she couldn't get enough. His strong hands grabbed her hips in a tight hold as he pulled her naked body closer to his own. She loved how warm he always was, his skin was so soft and yet rough at the same time. And the sight of his tattoo's filling her with so much desire. She had never wanted a man this much.

Dimitri loved the feeling of her, she was the perfect woman

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Dimitri loved the feeling of her, she was the perfect woman. Small and yet so strong, both physically and emotionally. She was perfect. He had been expecting a loud, angry lecture, anything but this. This was the best surprise he'd ever had, yet.

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