Chapter 13, The Past, present & future

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This chapter is a little bit of a backstory filler, I hope you like it :D 

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thank you my loves and enjoy 

Her body was still numb from the night before when she woke, her head on Dimitri's chest and his hand palming her ass in his sleep, his fingers tightening when she moved in his arms and his brows furrowed further when she pulled the duvet away from his body smiling to herself. She loved watching him doing anything, anything at all. How he moved so gracefully for a man his size and build, the tattoos on his body told his story, the story she had yet to be told. Sure she knew some parts of it but not the whole story from beginning to now. She wanted to know more about him and she hoped he wanted to know more about her as well.

"I hope there is a good reason for my ass being frozen" Rose yelped in surprise at the sound of Dimitri's gruff voice, her heartbeat sped up and she placed a hand on her chest as she tried to calm down her breathing. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath, but when she opened them again she noticed one of Dimitri's eyes was open and his mouth was pulled up in a sly smirk.

"Don't do that ! You almost gave me a heart attack" Rose growled playfully and pinched his nipple, only making Dimitri smirk even wider as if he hadn't even felt her fingers.

"Then don't make me freeze my ass off and will be just fine, besides if you want to look you just have to ask" In one swift movement Dimitri had rolled over her holding her hands above her head in a tight hold and smirking down at her scolding face, the sudden movement resulted in the duvet to fall all the way off his body so now he hovered above her butt naked as the day he was born and enjoying every second of it.

"You were asleep mr.Belikov and I didn't want to wake you" She smirked up at him before she deliberately let her eyes trail from his eyes and down his body, roaming over his rock hard chest and abdomen until she was met with the sight of his already erect cock rubbing up against her inner thigh.

"Mr. Belikov... I like that. How about you address me like that from now on mhmm?" Dimitri ground his hips into her own as he spoke making her wet all over again, making her moan at the friction.

"How about you wear a pink tutu for a week and I'll consider it? Mhmm, how do you like that idea?" Rose said in her sweetest voice fluttering her eyelashes innocently.

Scoffing, Dimitri ran his nose along her neck and nibbled in her earlobe, whispering in her ear

"How about no!"

"S-see, both of those suggestions sound just as stupid" she managed to say with only a hint of a stutter, he was gently biting the skin and leaving hot open mouthed kisses all over her neck down towards her needy nipples waiting for his attention.

"Alright, you don't have to call me mr. all the time. But I think you should know just how hard those words coming from your sexy little mouth make me" the tip of his cock brushed her still sensitive clit, her back arched if the bed into his chest, making him chuckle and gently bite down on her left nipple.

"Ahh...fuck, Dimitri" Rose gasped and tried closing her legs, but his masculine thighs held her open as he continued rocking slowly up and down stroking her clit.

"Mr. Belikov, Roza. Say it and I'll stop torturing your sensitive little clit and run us a bath. Just have to say it once...come on you know you want to" Dimitri egged her on never stopping his rhythmic movement, her eyes were closed and her head was thrashing back and forth on the pillow, her hair was a mess and her knuckles were white under his grip.

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